How to choose a good monitor for designer, photographer, graphic and engineering works? Rating of the best monitors for interior and printing designers, graphic design, with stylus: review

Published by B. Useful advice
Jan 20, 2018.

The article will lead a list of the best monitors for designers.

A good monitor for a computer is one of the most important components of design equipment. Without a monitor, naturally, no designer work can be speech, but if there is no high-quality screen, the designer will not be able to achieve high results.

In today's article we will discuss how to choose a good monitor for designers (photographers, engineering and graphic works), as well as imagine the top of the five best monitors.

What is the monitor for the designer differ from the usual monitor?


Computer monitors

The monitor is a device that allows you to visualize images that are loaded into the computer in digital format. Not least, monitors are one of the main tools of any designer. What should be the monitor, if the designer works daily on it?

A good design monitor should qualitatively transmit all the necessary colors and represent the image in the most natural form. The better the monitor, the more the feeling is created, as if the picture is similar to the real object.

Monitors for designers allow you to make color correction and retouching, develop templates and, in general, ensure the course of the entire main design work. The mouse and keyboard in this case are only auxiliary devices that do not require special, so to speak, "frills".

If you need to choose the designer budget monitor, then, firstly, it is worth paying attention to its multifunctionality, secondly, it should not be too expensive.

It should also be borne in mind that the designer performs for its work for quite a long time, so the monitor should not tire his eyes. Below we will talk in more detail, what characteristics should the monitor for designers be posted.

How to choose a good monitor for designer?


Monitors for computers

So, when choosing a design monitor in any represented list, we must consider the following factors:

  • LCD monitors and CRT. Many believe that the LCD is better than the default, rather than CRT. Of course, in the modern world, it is natural to think so, but not really quite right. People are accustomed to the flat monitor, believing that this is the attribute of the highest quality. But modern monitors with an electric radius tube can also be safely transmitted in saturated colors. It is not possible at all that you buy ELT cheaper, but with the same image quality as its LCD analogs.
  • Matte and glossy screens. In this case, it is best to stop your choice on matte screens when working with photos in a graphic editor. The glossy monitors will remind you something like a mirror.
  • Screen sizes. This parameter is also sufficiently important for the designer, although this does not mean that you need to chase the huge monitors. Think ourselves, is it convenient for you to edit photos in the cinema, while sitting in the forefront? But it will not work in the gadget too seriously. Pick the monitor to yourself so that the image dimensions are quite satisfied.

In a nutshell, we discussed that we need to know when choosing a design monitor. Now let's get acquainted with the five most suitable models for designers.

Rating of the best monitors for designers, graphic design, printing and interior

Dell 2412m.

This model has all the necessary qualities that are required for the design monitor. It has a fairly dimensional screen in 24 inches, USB and VGA connectors, made of matte plastic, down to the right side of the front side of the control keys.

Excellent transfers the image that, by the way, is the most important factor. It is ideal for designer work, for example, with graphic editors, the quality of photos and pictures - at a height.


Dell 2412m.


Dell 2412m.


Dell 2412m.


Dell 2412m.

LG 29UM65-P

This monitor has its advantages, thanks to which he was on this list. Screen resolution - 2560x1080, diagonal - 29 inches, supports more than 16 million colors. It has two HDMI connector for high-quality image viewing and one - for headphones.

The appearance is somewhat modest, but quite sympathetic, as it should be to be an import monitor from the company " LG.". It moves well, although it can be observed and the so-called "heat", if you use the factory settings. This can be corrected with individual screen settings.


LG 29UM65-P


LG 29UM65-P


Samsung U32D970Q.

This monitor, if you believe the manufacturer's statements, well suited for professional designers. Find out it in fact. The monitor has a screensing diagonal of 31.5 inches, high resolution - 3849x2160 pixels, also with a single HDMI connector and one output for audio. The color rendition reaches the indicator above 1 billion shades.

In principle, the characteristics of the model correspond to what a modern monitor should be. In the pictures you can estimate its appearance. The screen is well adjustable in height and slope. You can learn more information on this model on the Internet.


Samsung U32D970Q.


Samsung U32D970Q.

EIZO ColoredGE CS2420.

This budget monitor will also suit professional designers. Let's discuss its characteristics. In principle, the resolution of the screen in 1920x1200 pixels and a diagonal of 24 inches say that the model should not be sent on store shelves. Although it is worth noting that this monitor is inferior to the previously described model. But its price, respectively, will be lower.

Nevertheless, the monitor goes well to color and displays a rather high-quality picture on the screen. To work in the graphic editor, this will be enough, and the designer is more and no need. It has a pleasant appearance and is well adjustable when installed on the table.


EIZO ColoredGE CS2420.


EIZO ColoredGE CS2420.

BenQ SW2700PT.

This model is considered the most inexpensive budget option for use as a design monitor. It has a good screen resolution - 2560x1440 and has a diagonal of 27 inches. Transmits more than a billion colors and, in general, it can boast a rather good color reproduction.

It is conveniently adjustable on the table, has many connectors, including HDMI to transfer the image of the best quality. The design of the monitor is tastefully performed, in the picture you can see the presence of a special additional visor, which will protect the screen, for example, from the sun rays.


BenQ SW2700PT.


BenQ SW2700PT.

Video: How to choose a monitor? All about matrixes, brightness, contrast and response time.

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  • Delete the article and dislike. Crai in 2018 ...

    • You did not carefully read the article.

      Here is a quote from the article:

      "Many believe that the LCD is already better than COT. Of course, in the modern world, it is natural to think so, but not really quite right. People are accustomed to the flat monitor, believing that this is the attribute of the highest quality. But modern monitors with an electric radius tube can also be safely transmitted in saturated colors. It is not possible at all that you buy ELT cheaper, but with the same quality of image transmission, like its LCD analogs. "

      CRT monitor - does not mean bad. He is bulky yes, but not inferior to alternative options in the form of a LCD in his price category, even a little exceeds. Simply put, if you need 3,000 rubles. The same quality as for $ 1000, then buy CRT and not LCD. But if you do not "disgregate" ready to lay out $ 1000, then ahead and with the song). And we will pay more milders, without fear of shame).

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