How to restore a bonus map of a connected club, if lost?

Published by B. Svyaznoy
Jan 29, 2017.

In this article we will talk how to restore the Svyaznoy Card bonus card.

Today many heard about bonus program « Svyaznoy Club». For participation in her necessary issue special map and accumulate, so called « pros». But sometimes there are situation, what users lose cards and then arises logical questionbut as restore? About it is and tell me our article.

how restore virtual map «Svyaznoy club«?

Virtual map presents by himself accounting record on the site. « Svyaznoy Club». therefore, if a you not you can to come in in its own private cabinet, that you on the page input need to press « Reminder password» or contact in contact centre support customers. IN latest case there is two option:

  • Write question on the site. IN nem. specify number cards, Full name and date birth
  • If a number cards you not known, that in such. case call on the free number 88007005353 and decide question about recovery cards from operator

how restore cards Svyaznoy clubStriped,, Grand. FOOD., Riga and Black map ENTER, map from Plus?

Bonus Card Connected Club

Bonus Card Connected Club

At all, data cards restore one and top same fashion. Difference concludes only in place, where this is can to do. TO example, Striped, from Plus, Black ENTER and map Riga restore in anyone of shops « Svyaznoy». By the way, per Black card ENTER have to pay 50 rubles.

Map restores in stores from the same name title, but new card Grand. FOOD. can receive in institutions « Tashir pizza», « KebabTun» or « SUKUKI».

Inspend on the anyone of described cards provided « Map from Plus». so, to restore map:

  • Refer in anyone possible point in according to from type cards
  • Name her number. If a is he you unknown, that call operator on the number 88007005353 or log in in personal cabinet in section « Yours map»
  • Seller put on the your number phone, which the registered in program sMS the code for confirmation
  • Tell me this the code seller, and you will be issued new card
  • Everything accumulated earlier pros automatically credit on the your score in flow society

how restore map « Yandex..MoneySvyaznoyClub»?

Map Yandex.Money Svyaznoy Club

Map "Yandex.Money Svyaznoy Club"

For lOST cards this type recommended immediately her block in personal cabinet Yandex..Money or call by phones:

  • 88002506699for Russia
  • 84959743586for call of other countries

On the site. Yandex..Money can to order new card, for it is everything bonus point will be saved.

how restore map « LightningSvyaznoyClub» « Ref» Bank?

Lightning map - Svyaznoy club OTP Bank

Map "Zipper - Svyaznoy Club" OTP Bank

For start, sure same, block lost map. To do this is can by phones:

  • 84957757506 Moscow and region
  • 88002007001others regions

To order new map can in anyone nearest department RefBank. Bonus score w. you also save, and you nothing not losing, but not forget for of this call in service. work from clients « Svyaznoy Club» by number 88007005353.

how restore others cards « Svyaznoy club»?

Premium Card Connected Club

Premium Card Connected Club

When you lose one of the following cards, you can get instead Map from plus or « Svyaznoy club - Tinkoff ":

  • Universal Connected Bank
  • Map profitable shopping Connected bank
  • Black map ENTER payment
  • Visa. Infinite.
  • « SvyaznoyClub» Mastercard
  • Or premiumWord. Mastercard, Visa. Black. Platinum, Visa. White GOLD.

To do this is can in anyone store « Svyaznoy».  New map hope you in 200 rubles, but they are credit you on the score, and imi can will be enjoy through two weeks. Before specify w. seller conditions enrolls plus.

Map from bank Tinkoff can issue directly on the site. by link here. To tolerate everything their bonuses on the new score call by number 88007005353.

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