How to find out the tariff plan Rostelecom?

Published by B. Rostelecom services
Aug 14, 2016.

Many customers of the Rostelecom company when using services sooner or later think about what they use the tariff plan. How to find out?

Diversity tariffs w. companies Rostelecom, besides self dignity cellular and home communication, and internet, can easy to scare new subscriber. Often client wants discover its own rate Rostelecom and cost incoming in it options. For of this can use some methods.

how discover tariff plan?


Methods total three, but them can use to each man:

  • USSD.inquiry. Send inquiry *108# for receipt names tarifa, but to you came detailed characteristic enter *107#. After shipping request you will come message from name tarifa or his characteristic
  • Call operator. Dial number 88003001800 or 11802 and ask operator to report you rate. If a you not will be able to connect from consultant by data numbers, that there is some additional, which can to find on the official portal companies
  • Write SMS. Write 42 on the number 100 or on the 220. IN answer you getname your his tariff plan

how discover, what rate on the internet, home or mobile phone?


  • IN personal cabinet can receive full information by used tariff and prices on the options. If a you yet not registered, that before make this is, so as private cabinet highly useful
  • Call in contact centre for customers, where operator tell me you about tariff plan
  • Wait in office companies, what useful, when urgently need to to find out some moments at once

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