How to find out your number kiwi wallet for translation and replenishment? How to find out the number Kiwi wallet in the app on Android?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Useful advice / Smartphones
24 Mar 2017.

In this article we will tell about how to find out the number of your personal wallet in Qiwi Wallet.

Each owner of a personal wallet in Qiwi Wallet system wondered "How to know my personal account?".This question is asked almost every second user or who only opened its qiwi wallet.

So, today we will consider ways to help you find out your personal account in the QIWI wallet.

Why do you need to know the personal number Qiwi-wallet?

First of all it is necessary in order for you to translate money. Thus, the personal account in the QIWI wallet is a certain identifier or easier to say the requisite.

Now you probably realized that without knowing your account number, you will not be able to list money.

How to find out the QIWI wallet personal number?

Well, let's make a little simplify the situation so that you are more less understood.

For instance, Bank cards can fly sixteen digits, which are also identifiers.

If your bank card number will look like this way 5100 0000 0000 0000, then your personal account or qiwi the wallet will have details for replenishment based on your phone number. Thus, if your phone number + 7 963 000 0000,that and the account number will be the same. Therefore, the QIWI-wallet is much easier and more convenient than in the WebMoney payment system, where you need to apply for the opening of the ruble wallet.

Thus, if you decide to go and check the balance on your account in a QIWI wallet, then you need in "Log in my wallet"enter your phone number, and in the field "Password", enter the password you specified when registering your wallet.


What does the QIWI-wallet number look like. Example

So, let's give a visual example of how your wallet number in the QIWI Wallet system looks like if you have already passed authorization.


Video: How to find out the wallet number in the QIWI-WALLET system?

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