How to install iOS 10 Beta on iPhone or iPad without a developer account?

Published by B. iOS.
21 Sep 2016.

Most recently, a new iOS 10 appeared, but it is not yet necessary to install it. How nevertheless bypass restrictions?

At all recently peace was presented new iOS. 10 from various innovations and functions. IN this OS. appeared updated Siri., Photo and much other. If a you included in rows developers companies Apple., that probably already use new system. But, for absence such privilege and desire to use iOS. 10 use our instruction.

how set iOS. 10 without account developer?

how rule, in betaversions always there is large flaws, because everything operations are performed from defined share risk. Before than to begin update make reserve copy in Aytyuns or icloud..

If a w. you already there is experience installations iOS. 9.3.3 and above, that we need simply open « ABOUT renovy settings« and press on the « ABOUT banner BY«.


Installation iOS 10.

If a earlier you such not deli, that:

  • Open the material in Safari. on the phone
  • Load file configuration
  • Wait little and look, appeared lie updates
  • Further click on the download and installation

After end operations you can bout to trial test iOS. 10 on the sore device.

Video: How to install iOS 10 beta 1 without a developer account?

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