How to narrow, expand, closer screen on a computer, laptop? How to configure screen resolution on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP?

Published by B. Useful advice
14 Jul 2018.

Guide to setting the resolution / scale screen on computers with Windows operating systems.

The screen resolution is one of the most important characteristics that should be based on any person when buying a laptop or monitor for a stationary computer. It is responsible for the quality of the image displayed on the screen, provides a greater overview and increases the space on the desktop.

As a rule, in ordinary users of personal computers does not arise problems with changing the resolution by standard tools of the operating system. However, novice, who are just beginning to master computer literacy, this article will be useful for studying this issue.

Here you will find step-by-step instructions for changing the screen resolution on computers running operating systems. Windows XP., 7, 8 and 10And you can also familiarize yourself with the solution of some problems that may arise in the process of this procedure.

Image 1. Instructions for setting the screen resolution in Windows operating systems.

Image 1. Instructions for setting the screen resolution in Windows operating systems.

What is the screen resolution?

  • Before switching to the procedure for changing the screen resolution, you should tell you more about it to have a clear idea what it is. An image that is displayed on the computer screen, smartphone, tablet, television or any other digital device is created from singular points, called pixels.
  • For a simpler understanding, you can lead an analogy with an embroidery cross, which many engaged in labor lessons in elementary school. From the crosses of the same size and different colors on the canvas, a full-fledged picture or portrait is formed. The exact same principle is used and when the image is generated on the screen. Pixels - These are cross, which have a much smaller size and more tightly contact with each other, thanks to which the user does not have the feeling that the image is formed from individual objects and is actually solid.
Image 2. What is pixels?

Image 2. What is pixels?

  • The main difference pixel From crossbars on the knead for embroidery is their ability to change its color to suitable under a certain situation. Precisely thanks to this ability pixel The user can watch the movie, view photos, switch between different windows, play toys and much more, instantly observing the changes on the monitor.
  • The decisive parameters of the screen expansion are the width and height, which is received as follows: 1280×1024. These numbers indicate that in one horizontal line from the left to the right edge of the screen located 1280 pixels, and in one vertical line, from the top edge to the bottom, is located 1024 pixel. This permission was given as an example. Today, of course, there are better monitors having a higher resolution and providing better image quality.

How to configure screen resolution on Windows XP, 7, 8, 10?

  • Now you have a fairly detailed idea that it represents the resolution of the computer screen and you can go directly to its configuration. However, before that it will not be superfluous to note that great permission can not always provide high image quality.
  • The fact is that any monitor has a specific format under which the optimal resolution is set. By some manipulations, these restrictions can be circumvented and setting the screen resolution more recommended. However, this is not recommended to do this for the reason that this decision can lead to a worsening of a common picture displayed on the screen, as well as ensure the emergence of any visual defects, on the similarity of the highlights and jumps of the image.
  • In addition, the long-term use of incompatible permission can cause physical damage to the monitor. Over time, broken sectors may appear on its screen. These are certain sites in which pixels Will not change your color, thereby interfering with the user browsing the image completely.

Setting up the resolution on Windows XP

This operating system is considered very ancient and corporation. Microsoft. Already long ago ceased support and release. However, so far many users of the personal computers of the old school are downloading and installed Windows XP. For their cars for nostalgia or because this "Operation" has been considered the most stable and convenient for a long time. For many, such it remained to this day.

Scale adjustment on Windows XP is as follows:

Step 1.

  • Turn on the computer, wait for the "Operation" and all of its services, then right-click on an arbitrary free place on the desktop and click on the list. Properties».
Image 3. Running the monitor settings.

Image 3. Running Windows XP monitor settings.

Step 2..

  • Before your eyes, a small window will appear with a variety of screen parameters. In its upper part, you will need to switch to the " Parameters"And from the bottom to set the resolution that comes to your monitor.
  • To continue, click on the "button" OK».
  • If you do not want to close the window with the settings, then click on the button " Apply».
Image 4. Select the desired Windows XP screen settings.

Image 4. Select the desired Windows XP screen settings.

Step 3..

  • Next, your monitor will go out to a split second and turn on, but already with the parameters of the permission set previously. In the current small window with a timer, you will need to click on the "button" Yes"In the event that you are satisfied with the specified permission.
  • If the highlights of the image began to appear on the screen, click on the "button" Not"Or wait for the return report. In this case, the parameters will be returned to its original state.
Image 5. Confirmation of Windows XP changes.

Image 5. Confirmation of Windows XP changes.

Setting up the resolution on Windows 7

Windows 7. became the first operating system after Windows XP.which received a modern transparent interface, new features and control system, most of which are preserved to this day in all subsequent versions Windows OS. However, the process of adjusting the scale of the screen practically did not change and it occurs as follows:

Step 1.

  • Turn on your computer, wait for the "Operation" and all of its services, then right-click on an arbitrary free place on the desktop and in the open list click on the line " Screen resolution».
Image 6. Running Windows 7 monitor settings.

Image 6. Running Windows 7 monitor settings.

Step 2..

  • In the window that opens in the appropriate field, select the options that are suitable for your monitor. We remind you that it is best to use those parameters that the system recommends that you.
  • Optionally, you can change the orientation of the image in the graph of the same name.
  • To continue, click on the "button" OK"And after updating the monitor, confirm the saving changes to the" Yes»In the window with a countdown timer.
Image 7. Select the desired Windows 7 monitor parameters.

Image 7. Select the desired Windows 7 monitor parameters.

Step 3..

  • There is also the ability to adjust the screen scale by another method. To do this, expand menu " Start", Click on the line" Control Panel", Find the section in the window that opens. Screen", Log in to it and on the left side, click the link" Setting screen resolution».
  • In chapter " Screen»You can also configure the display of other items. For example, resolve the size of the desktop icons or the system font, as well as calibrate the color reproduction of your monitor.
Image 8. Alternative way to adjust the Windows 7 scale.

Image 8. Alternative way to adjust the Windows 7 scale.

Setting up the resolution on Windows 8

Operating system Windows 8 (8.1) It became the first OS, which was created both for stationary PCs and laptops and for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and also acquired a slightly different device management system. Despite this, users found a lot of flaws in it, starting with the lack of menu " Start"And ending with the incompatibility with it of many programs.

Adjust the scale of Windows 8 and 8.1 You can the following methods:

Step 1.

  • As in the previously described variants, you will need to turn on the computer, wait for the "Operation" and all of its services, after which you right-click on an arbitrary free place on the desktop and click on the list " Screen resolution».
Image 9. Running Windows 8 monitor settings.

Image 9. Running Windows 8 monitor settings.

Step 2..

  • In the unfolded window, exactly the same way as in Windows 7., Select the parameters that fit your monitor in the appropriate field, click on the "button" OK"And confirm the save changes to the" Yes»In the window with the timer of the reverse report.
Image 10. Select the desired Windows 8 monitor parameters.

Image 10. Select the desired Windows 8 monitor parameters.

Step 3..

  • To adjust the scale by an alternative method in Windows 8 and 8.1, move the mouse cursor to one of the two right-wing screen angles to call the system panel, then click on it on the "icon" Parameters"And then on the link" Changes in computer parameters».
  • In the unfolded window, move to the section " Computer and devices", Then deploy the" Screen».
  • On the right side of the window, select the desired parameters for your monitor, change all other settings you are interested in and click on the button. Apply».
Image 11. Alternative way to adjust the scale of Windows 8.

Image 11. Alternative way to adjust the scale of Windows 8.

Setting up the resolution on Windows 10

Operating system Windows 10. At the moment it is the most modern OS family Windows and in the corporation Microsoft. They stated that after her new "Operations" would no longer be. It will be exceptionally to update it.
This "OPERATION" has undergone many changes, including the process of adjusting the screen scale. You can perform this setting in several methods:

Step 1.

  • Turn on the computer, wait for the "Operation" and all of its services, then right-click on an arbitrary free place on the desktop and click on the list. Screen Parameters».
Image 12. Running Windows 10 monitor settings.

Image 12. Running Windows 10 monitor settings.

Step 2..

  • Next, before your eyes, the settings interface will unfold before your eyes. Windows 10.In the right part of which you need to install in the appropriate column desired parameters for your monitor.
  • There you can change the orientation of the image, as well as the size of the font, icons and other elements of the desktop.
  • In earlier versions Windows 10. To reduce or increase the scope of the screen after the manipulation described above, you will need to click on the link " Extra options».
Image 13. Select the desired Windows 10 monitor parameters.

Image 13. Select the desired Windows 10 monitor parameters.

Step 3..

  • Adjust the screens scale in Windows 10. You can and without using the operating system interface. To do this, expand menu " Start", Click on the item" Control Panel", In the unfolded window, find and move to the" Screen", After that, on the left side, click on the link" Setting screen resolution».
  • Next, set the desired parameters, click the "button" OK"And confirm the save changes to the" Yes»In the appeared window with the countdown timer.
Image 14. Alternative way to adjust the scale of Windows 10.

Image 14. Alternative way to adjust the scale of Windows 10.

How to change the screen resolution using the video card utility?

In addition to the previously described common methods, you can adjust the screen scale using specific utilities to configure video adapters that are usually installed automatically with the driver package on the user device.

This method of changing the expansion is universal and is suitable for all operating systems. Only the settings and interface utilities can be different, depending on the manufacturer of your video card. In our example, consider the screen adjustment process in the video card utility from the manufacturer AMD.. This is done as follows:

Step 1.

  • Right-click on any free space on the desktop and in the unfolded list, click on the item " Setting up Radeon" As a rule, all the utilities for video cards create their label in this context menu.
Image 15. Running the video card utility.

Image 15. Running the video card utility.

Step 2..

  • In the window that opens, switch to the "tab" Settings", And then log in to the section" Additional settings».
  • In the window that appears, you will need to explore the terms of the license agreement and accept them.
Image 16. The first launch of the utility settings.

Image 16. The first launch of the utility settings.

Step 3..

  • Next, in the appeared window, click on the "button" Create»To create a user resolution and just below, enter the permission value, the screen update frequency and other parameters.
  • This change method is good because you can enter absolutely any values \u200b\u200bin the field and use a non-standard permission to bypass the restrictions of your monitor. Exactly the same features have a utility for video cards from the manufacturer NVIDIA.
  • After entering the required values, click on the "button" Check"And see what eventually it turned out. If you are set to change, save them with the corresponding button and close the program.
Image 17. Setting the monitor parameters through the video card utility.

Image 17. Setting the monitor parameters through the video card utility.

How to reduce, increase or change the screens scale on a computer, laptop using the keyboard and not only?

In addition to changing the screen resolution, one of the above methods, you can change the screens scale using the keyboard and mouse. It will not improve the quality of the displayed picture, but will make the elements of the operating system interface more compact and allow you to place more labels on the desktop.
This method is popular among users of netbooks, the screen resolution is usually 1024×600 pixels. This is done as follows:

Step 1.

  • Being on the desktop, press and keep the button on the keyboard. Ctrl"And twist the mouse wheel up to increase the size of the labels and down to reduce them.
  • If you use a touchpad, then instead of a wheel, press the keyboard button " +" or " ».
  • If you need to restore the size of the elements to the source, then press the "buttons simultaneously Ctrl"And" 0».
  • This method of scaling the interface elements also works in many applications. For example, in Microsoft Word. or Excel.
Image 18. Adjusting the size of the desktop icons.

Image 18. Adjusting the size of the desktop icons.

Step 2..

  • In order to reduce the taskbar Windows, you need to click on it right mouse button and select a line in the drop-down menu " Properties».
  • In the window that opens on the tab " Task bar»It should be noted by a marker" Use small icons", Then press the buttons Apply"And" OK».
  • Thus, the taskbar will acquire a more compact appearance and you can place more application labels on it. The described method is relevant for all versions of operating systems Windows, Besides Xp..
Image 19. Adjusting the size of the taskbar.

Image 19. Adjusting the size of the taskbar.

What if the screen resolution does not change?

With this problem, employees of state institutions are most often faced, whose system administrators (or their complete absence) are neglecting the installation of drivers for video cards, as they believe that they will not be useful to the usual user. However, it may occur on a home computer after restarting the computer or reinstall the operating system.

If, after turning on the computer, you see that the desktop elements have acquired indecently large dimensions, and in the settings of the screen settings there is no possibility to change the resolution, then the reason for this problem will undoubtedly lift in the exclusive or missing video adapter drivers. In such a situation, act as follows:

Step 1.

  • On the desktop, right-click on the label " My computer"And in the menu that appears, select the line" Control».
  • In the opened window on the left side, switch to " Device Manager"And then expand the category" Video adapters».
  • Remember the model and manufacturer of your video card. If instead of its name is displayed there " Standard adapter VGA."Or something similar, then you can find out the video card model from the documentation for the computer or watch it on the board itself.
Image 20. Search for video card models.

Image 20. Search for video card models.

Step 2..

  • Next, go to the manufacturer's website of your video card. For example, NVIDIA. Specify on the site model of your video designer and download the latest drivers for it. Install them, after which you restart the computer.
  • After restarting the PC, you can change the screen resolution by one of the above methods.
Image 21. Loading fresh drivers for a video card.

Image 21. Loading fresh drivers for a video card.

Video: How to reduce, zoom out screen screens on your computer?

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