How to create a successful instagram account: Best Tips and Lifehaki. How to keep instagram to become an expert?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Smartphones
16 Mar 2017.

In this article we will tell about the best advice and lifehak, as well as how to become an expert in the Instagram social network.

Instagram has long won the hearts of many Internet network users. In particular, this concerns the overseas audience, because if we talk about the Russian audience, it has only 15%.

But it is worth notingthat even 15% of the Russian audience is more than enough. After all, the general audience of Instagram today is more than 400 million registered accounts. At the same time, it was in Instagram that the women's audience prevails.

What tips should be adhered to instagram?

Keep content on a strong "grip"

The main success of many users in Instagram lies in interesting and unique photos. Therefore, if you want to achieve a multimillion audience, then you need to follow this advice.

Never take a picture using the Instagram application, since the photos obtained through it are very much inferior to photos that were obtained using a standard camera. Use only manual camera tuning, play with photosensitivity and exposure, try to bring a photo to a maximum of quality.


Come to the editing process and selection of filters in creatively

In no case do not overlap thousands of different filters to a photo, as it will only spoil its atmospheric. Better use a special photo editing program that has much more settings than just a game with color filters.


Subscribe your profile in more detail and efficiently.

Do not forget that it is important not just to upload good and high-quality photos, but also correctly apply yourself to the audience. Thus, you need to approach the profile more responsibly, and fill it up to the end, as you can more.

For instanceif you are a model, write in the field "About myself" A brief biography of his career.


Carefully treat using # hashtegov

The easiest way to promote social network Instagram is a competent use of popular and least competitive hashtegov when you publish another photo. Thus, you need not just to write them, but to get the most closely in the meaning of your photo.

Keep feedback with your audience

Some stranger looked like or subscribed to your instagram profile? Then it is a good reason to start meeting him. If your photo commented on, then you would not bother to answer reciprocity.

Well, let's list which tips should be adhered to instagram.

What lifehaki is in instagram?

Hide unnecessary / unused filters

Despite the huge number of color filters in Instagram, yet most of the audience uses a third-party application for editing and improving the quality of photography. But as you remember, instagram got its popularity for the mass of interesting color filters. Therefore, if you use only 2 or 3 filters for some reason and want to remove unnecessary, then you can do it without much difficulty.


In order to hide unnecessary filters or make them sorting in your Instagram profile, you need to adhere to our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to upload a photo, that is, only in order to get into the setting of the choice of filter for a photo.
  • Now you need to simply scroll to the right and go through all 40 filters, and only after you will see the gear button called "Manage"on which you need to click.


  • Then you will fall in the filter settings menu, there you can either remove them and leave the most needed, or sort at your discretion.
  • To raise up the filter of interest, you just need to click on it and pull up, as shown in the picture.


  • Now, if you interfere with some filters or you do not at all use them, then to remove them, you need to click on the tick on the right of them.


Hide an unsuccessful photo from the profile

After all, not every selfie and photography comes out with a good frame, a smile or the right light. Therefore, if you find a similar photo in your profile and did not want to see your subscribers, you can not delete it, but just hide from the eye.


In order to hide unnecessary photos in your Instagram profile, you need to adhere to our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to go to your profile, and after clicking on the icon with a portrait.


  • After that, you need to mark one or more photos, and then click on the button Hide From Profile.


Follow the interests of our friends / subscribers


Excellent feature that is available only in the Instagram social network. Thus, to find out what your friend or colleague is interested, you just need to find an alternative tape with the best photos that they picked up for themselves.

We view photos for which they put like

Surely in demand by Lifehak for all users of the social network Instagram, as sometimes it happens that you brighten the ribbon and you can not find the desired photo to which I put like.


We publish a photo for "your"

A typical situation occurs when you keep a business account, and would like to tell your colleagues about something new and interesting. Therefore, if you want to publish a photo for a narrow circle of persons, you need to use the function «Instagram.Direct. "


We send a picture of the shot from the tape in the message.

Excellent opportunity and pretty in demand function, which will allow you to share something interesting with the other.


We recruit a huge amount of likes in the photo

Statistics showed that bright and saturated photos are gaining much more likes. Therefore, if you want to significantly increase the number of likes to your photos, then you need to add brightness and saturated paints to them, you can do this using a conventional graphic editor.


  • Photos with blurred background or so-called "BOKE EFFECT" They gain much more likes than photos without a blurred background.


  • Photos in which blue paints clearly dominate, are gaining more likes more likes than photos with red paints. For instance, picture with blue sky picks more likes than a photo with red roses.


  • Photos with a predominance of one color in the image are gaining more likes than photos with several predominant colors.


  • Lower the level of saturation in new photos, and only after that publish it in my profile.


  • Photos with a clear texture are gaining 82% more likes than photos where there is no texture.


The above-mentioned Lifehaki will allow you not only to score much more likes, but also grab more attention to the general audience of Instagram, and thereby it is possible to get subscribers.

Well, today we disassemble a huge number of Lifehakov and told the best tips for you, which in the case of use will make you an expert in Instagram.

Video: How to become an expert in Instagram?

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