How to create an advertising page in instagram? How to advertise and promote page in instagram?

Published by B. Mobile Photography
17 Dec 2016.

In this article we will talk, how to create and promote the advertising page in Instagram.

Many are familiar with the popular social network. Instagram.But few people use it to advertise their goods and services. Although it is considered the most efficient.

All because there is nothing superfluous and people look at the proposals in the form of a photo with a description of it. Therefore, let's talk how to register an advertising page and unwind it in this social network.

Register advertising page in instagram

Registration in Instagram.

Registration in Instagram.

If you do not use Instagram.You need to do several actions:

  • Download and install the application:
  1. Android
  2. iOS.
  3. Windows Phone
  • Run the application
  • The system will suggest you to write a login and password, but since you do not have them, choose the button "Register"
  • Fill out a small form and complete the registration

The registration procedure is described in detail in the article - "How to register in instagram?"

How to choose the right login in instagram?

Names in Instagram

Names in Instagram

During registration, it is necessary to come up with a suitable name for the account. Of course, it can always be changed, but why do it once again? When choosing a name, use multiple tips:

  • The name of the page and login may differ, but the subscribers will be visible both, so it will be a little stupid if the login you write HotBoy, And you will sell jewelry. Therefore, the name and login must approach each other and the sphere of your activity.
  • Gradually, your popularity will grow. Many people will verbally talk about you to others, so the name should sound simply, to remember and have a lung spelling, as you can search for you in the future. Most of the names are already occupied, but you can use a hyphen or lower space.
  • Login is written only by Latin letters, but this does not mean that words should be such, it is better to write Russian words in Latin letters, for example, mebel., Kosmetika. etc.

How to promote the advertising page on your own?

Promotion in instagram

Promotion in instagram

After creating the page, it arises quite a logical question, and how to unwind it yourself? The answer is quite simple. First of all, during registration, specify the real data. Important and photo. Choose one of the best, since his people will see first. In addition, use some useful tips:

  • Thematic photos. The main component of success is high-quality pictures. The best solution will be the choice of one topic and posting pictures at its framework. It all depends on your taste - you can upload seasons, events, events, and so on. Be sure to hold themes and place only the brightest and successful frames.
  • More active. Make sure that your friends are placed. Constantly see updates and leave your comments. Also, put the husky. It will help you to score more subscribers. Also use Houstegs and Geothegas. They greatly facilitate searches and make it possible to see your photo in the search results. Also participate in the shares of various companies conducted in Instagram..
  • Use of service for promotion. There are many special services for promotion. They allow you to make a page popular in a short time quickly and efficiently. Some, of course, paid, and some are absolutely free. Some popular services are - Addmefast, Gainer, Instagrambot.

These methods are good for promoting the page, but you need to carefully come up with a strategy and choose one of them. If you want a lot of subscribers, then use the tips and you will definitely achieve the desired effect.

What can not be done in instagram?

As well as in other social networks, Instagram. There are prohibitions:

  • It is impossible to post photos that violate copyright, causing hostility and retail between nationalities, erotic pictures, as well as those that contain a clear deception. And you can not just spread them, but even use hashtags with forbidden topics. For it can block you.
  • It is impossible to show too high activity - a massive subscription, likes and a lot of comments. Blocked, of course, not forever, but I do not want for a couple of days.

How to monetize an instagram account?

Monetization Instagram.

Monetization Instagram.

Monetization of social networks is an excellent way to obtain additional income is almost without expenses. Instagram. Not exception. There are several ways to monetize their pages:

  • Integration to the site of your online store. Service Snapfluence Great for keeping the already existing business. The project makes it possible to promote your products through good reviews and recommendations. Instagram. In this case is the place of trade. For promotion, make professional photos of goods, add descriptions in compliance with SEO rules and lay out in a timely manner in a social network.
  • Use of services. Projects Vktarget Roboliker, UseRator, SocialTools and Twite allow you to post on your page for money and write comments to the pictures. So you can earn on likes and receive money for subscribing to accounts.
  • Advertise goods and services. This method is more suitable for designers, photographers and other creative people. Promoting your work through Instagram You can not just find customers, but also expand the field of your activity.
  • Estimates of experts. This method is suitable for whom does not have its own online store. Leaders of opinions are stars with a large number of subscribers. Usually advertisers are addressed to promote their goods.

Video: How to sell goods in instagram? Best instruction

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