How to watch lyrics on iPhone and iPad without Apple Music (most convenient way)

Published by B. iOS.
21 Oct 2016.

Want to see the text of your favorite song, but do not want to pay the AOPKE MUSIC subscription? Our instruction will tell you how to do it.

When out new iOS. 10 updated and Apple. Music.. Now in nem. became possibly browse texts songs. BUT what do, if a not i want to acquire subscription? IN this instructions we tell me, as browse texts songs top is free on the iPhone..

Will help you in it is attachment MusixMatch. It top free. IN nem. not even domestic shopping. It possessed large musical base. More togo, it raughty presence comfortable widget. It and allows browse texts of interest songs.

  • Install on the its own smartphone attachment MusixMatch 
  • Launch his sign up
  • Open section widgets and choose «The change"
Widgets on the iPhone.

Widgets on the iPhone.

  • Add here widget applications
Adding a widget on the iPhone

Adding a widget on the iPhone

  • Now turn on listening songs in appendix «Music". Text lighten inside widget and is he will be display synchronously song.
Lyrics in Musixmatch

Lyrics in Musixmatch

Video: Musixmatch Review

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