How to change the username and password in Skype on your computer and from the phone: Methods, step-by-step instructions

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Mobile Internet / Useful advice
15 Dec 2017.

This article published several ways to help change the password in Skype.

Skype - This is one of the most popular messengers who helps to communicate with friends and close people, even if they are in another city or even the country. It often happens that you need to change the password for accessing this program. In this article we will analyze how it can be done.

How to change the username and password in Skype on your computer and from the phone: Methods, step-by-step instructions

Change Password B. Skype Just, and it can make every user. If you want to go to the program, but forgot your password, then it can be changed. To do this, on the page that opens, enter the email address. The necessary instructions will be sent to it.

Enter email address

Enter email address

Within 5-10 seconds, a message will come to your mailbox with a unique reference. Go through it to restore access to Skype.

Remember: This link is valid only 6 hours. During this time, you must go through it and enter a new password.

If you just want to change the password, as you think it has become available to other users or for other reasons, then here is an instruction that will help do it through the program interface:

Open "Menu"and select "Change password".

In the menu, select Edit Password

In the menu, select Edit Password

In a new window, enter the old password, then come up with a new one and enter it into the appropriate string. Repeat a new password and click on "Apply".

Enter a new password

Enter a new password

It's important to know: Change login to Skype It is impossible. Therefore, if you forgot it, you will have to re-register.

Tip: Do not hurry to change login in this messenger if you forgot it. You can ask users with whom you communicated in SkypeSo that they send it to you, for example, by email or in SMS by phone.

Another way to change the password through the official site of this messenger. Here is the instruction:

On the official site click on the login

On the official site click on the login

  • Go to official site for this link.
  • Click on "To come in"and then on "Using the program in the browser".
  • A new window will appear in which you want to enter account data. Then click "To come in".
  • Enter the old password and click on "Entrance".
  • The program will transfer you to the main page of your account. Click on "My profile".
  • Then click on the button "Account Management" and "Editing personal data".
  • After that, a window will open in which you can change the password. Save your actions.

Choose one of these ways and change your data so that they are not available to attackers. Below is an instruction that helps change the password from the phone.

Press the profile in the Skype menu on the phone

Press the profile in the Skype menu on the phone

You need to perform the same steps as when changing the password with a PC:

  • Go to the program « Skype» of "Menu installed applications".
  • Enter email address.
  • Go to your mailbox on the phone and then follow the link.
  • In the window that opens, enter the old password, new and repeat the new password again.
  • Then save the data entered. Everything is ready, you can enter Skype Under a new password.

Now you know how to change the password in Skype from the phone or PC. When it becomes necessary to change the account, you can do it without difficulty.

Video: How to change the password in Skype?

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  • And if you forgotten the old password? And unwearing it to enter it. How to be?

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