How to download and install Yandex.menet application on Android phone, iPhone?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Useful advice
14 Apr 2017.

Overview of the Yandex.methro mobile application for Android, IOS and Windows Phone platforms.

Moscow is the largest and most populous city of Russia. Given its size and density of the road, the path from one end of the city to another can take several hours. Therefore, most residents of the capital prefer to move on the subway, which per day transports more than 8 million people.

Moscow metro has 13 lines and 206 stations And if the indigenous people of the city more or less can be focused on its dungeons, then the guests of the capital are quite difficult to find a faithful and short route. It is for such people " Yandex."Created a special application" Yandex.metro»For mobile devices on the platform Android and iOS.which helps to navigate in the metropolitan subway and not only. He will be discussed in our article.

Yandex.methro application for mobile platforms Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Yandex.methro application for Android mobile platforms, iOS and Windows Phone

What is the Yandex.methro application and what is the benefit?

  • Application " Yandex.metro"It is the usual metro schema, with route lines, each of which has its own color and stations marked on them. Having such a scheme is always at hand very convenient, because At rush hour, it is difficult to pour back to the rack and see where you need to make a transplant.
Figure 1. What is the application

Figure 1. What is the application "Yandex.methro" and what is the benefit of it?

  • Since most guests of the capital do not have ideas about how to get to the desired station, the developers have implemented the ability to automatically select the shortest route from the point A to the point B indicating the stations for transfers and the nearest wagons to transitions. To do this, it is enough to choose a station on the diagram from which you start your way, and after the destination station. Within a few seconds, the application will highlight the optimal route on the diagram and indicate the approximate time on the way.
  • In addition to the scheme of the capital metro, the application contains schemes of five more cities: St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov, Minsk and Istanbul. But, since in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the greatest metro, the application is most suitable for residents and guests of these two cities.
Figure 2. What is the Yandex.Metro application and what is the benefit?

Figure 2. What is the Yandex.Metro application and what is the benefit?

  • It is also worth noting that people who do not know Cyrillic can use the application. The settings have the ability to select a language to display stations on the metro scheme. In addition, the application has a function of alerts. If there is a delay in the route in the route you run, the application will give a beep and does the need for a new route.
Figure 3. What is the application

Figure 3. What is the application "Yandex.methro" and what is the benefit of it?

  • Another useful feature of the application is that it does not require an Internet connection. If there is no Wi-Fi access point nearby or you will end money on your mobile Internet, you will not only be able to see the metro schema, but also use the route calculation function in the offline mode.

Special features of the application for residents of Moscow

  • In Moscow, there is a single travel ticket " Troika" With it, you can move both on land transport and metro. It is a plastic card for which you can enroll money and spend them on travel. In the application " Yandex.metro»There is a possibility of payment for a single ticket" Troika»From the account of a mobile phone or other electronic payment systems.
Figure 1. Special features of the application for residents of Moscow

Figure 1. Special features of the application for residents of Moscow

  • To pay, you must click on the ruble icon, enter the number of the travel ticket " Troika"And translate the desired amount on the expense. To record paid trips to the map you must use the remote replenishment terminal on any of the metro stations. It is enough just to attach a map to it and travel activated. Remote replenishment requires an Internet connection, but since in the Moscow Metro, even in trains cars there are Wi-Fi access points, it should not be a problem.
Figure 2. Special features of the application for residents of Moscow

Figure 2. Special features of the application for residents of Moscow

Where to download and how to install the Yandex.Metro application on Android and iPhone?

  • Application " Yandex.metro»Developed for all popular mobile operating systems, such as Android, iOS. and Windows Phoneand available for download absolutely free in stores Google Play Market., App Store. and Microsoft Store..
Where to download and how to install the Yandex.Metro application on Android and iPhone?

Where to download and how to install the Yandex.Metro application on Android and iPhone?

  • Go to the store on your device, enter in search " Yandex.metro", Open the page with the application and click" Set" The application has a very small volume and will not take a lot of space on your smartphone or tablet.
  • You can also download the application remotely for each of the operating systems through a computer from official sites:

Download Yandex.methro application for devices on the Android platform
Download the Yandex.metro application for devices on the iOS platform
Download the Yandex.metero application for the device on the Windows Phone platform

Video: Review of the Yandex.Metro program for mobile

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