How to make a screenshot on Apple Watch?

Published by B. iOS.
4 Nov 2016.

In this article we will analyze how to make a screenshot on Apple Watch.

The Apple Watch smart watches have a standard option, with which you can make screenshots of the screen. This may be required in different cases, so every user is useful to know how it is done.

To shoot, it is necessary at one time to press the wheel and the side of the side. With the proper execution of the operation, the clock will be launched that everything went successfully. The screen blinks, you will hear the sound of the camera, like an iPhone.

Screenshot on Apple Watch

Screenshot on Apple Watch

Do not try to start both keys at once. Much easier to press them in turn - first the side, and then the wheel.

It is worth saying that all finished files are saved on the iPhone in the folder "Photo". It is also important that the resolution of them will have only 216x290 pixels on models of 42 mm, so it is not burdensome online.

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