How to make transparent icons on the iPhone without jailbreak?

Published by B. iOS.
21 Sep 2016.

In this article we will tell you how to manage icons on iPhone and move them across the screen.

BUT you know, what icons Iphone now can move as on the Android? That there is now they are maybe place in anyone place screen, moreover without jailbreak and installations twiks? what need to for control icons on the iPhone.?

On the the moment this opportunity implemented thus trick, which the forces icons merge from oboyami. It turns out, what free places not becomes more, but simply added non-free icons, which even difficult see for them right location.

For these goals used onlinetool iEMPTY..

  • Click icon and keep his, until icons not start vibrate, but later swaipset left, to get on the empty page.
  • Make her screenshot.
  • Open website from phone
  • Further knock on the « Customize», but later Custom Mode.

Icon control on iPhone

  • Now choose « Add.» — « Choose file».
  • After of this go in mEDIATKE and find made screenshot.
  • Load his.
  • Now you display your main screen from icons.
  • Click on the those, which w. you will be transparent. TO example, to leave space up left choose 1x1, but if a down below on right, that 5x4.

How to control icons on iPhone?

  • After choice position program suggest choose icon under background. After choice click on the Share., but thenon the home screen.
  • Now add icon.
  • Repeat operation for eVERY necessary icon.

How to make icons on iPhone transparent?

  • Now open main screen and transfer icon in need a place.

So as trick based on the creation special icons, but not lazake in firmware, that after restart systems everything so and will be on the self mesal.

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