How to make and run advertising in instagram? How to set up targeted advertising in Instagram?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Smartphones
15 Mar 2017.

In this article, you will learn how to run an advertising company in Instagram, and also how to start working with targeted advertising.

The root of the official appearance of advertising publications in the Instagram social network was born back in October 2015.

But a huge number of users created advertising in Instagram even before special tools appeared for advertising.

Thus, until 2015, all advertising was exceptionally test, since then there were no layouts, instructions and how to create advertising. But even today, this question is brewing, to which some are still hampered to answer.

How to run an advertising company in the Instagram social network?

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Well, now it's time to tell and answer the question of launching advertising in instagram.

So, in order to create and run an advertising company, you need to adhere to our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to create an advertising campaign for "Clicks on the website",but as a site, you need to specify a link to your profile.


  • Then everything goes to the usual freedom. You will need to choose your target audience, install an advertising budget that will be written off as an advertising company work, as well as choose a model of payment. After that you need to go to the ads.
  • Now you need to choose thematic photos and write a unique announcement, such photos can be found on the photo banks.

It is worth notingThe advertisements on the page in Instagram are more attractive than announcements on foreign sites. Therefore, be sure to note. Again, the plus if the announcement is on the page in Instagram, it is that in this way you will save one and a half or twice, since clicks on an extraneous site start from 20 rubles, which is definitely expensive.

  • After you have made the workpiece, photos for advertising, you will need to explore some Newans of advertising in the Instagram network. Therefore, skipping and not learning the following, you just lose the advertising budget and stay without conversion.


Business in Pleisman

In this case, it is brewing the question "what to add, and which remove from the list?". The network of the instagram audience has repeatedly passed the inspection, the findings of which are the following: cheap clicks will never give you conversion, so you can not save much on it. Thus, the right pilot column is not suitable here.

A group of analysts and marketers decided to test the types of advertising, which is produced in the social network Facebook and Instagram. This testing took place a little more than a month, and his results are pretty interesting.

Experiment with Instagram.

Split-testing of advertising on the social network Facebook occurred by strategy "Chess"which implies publication with a period of two advertising companies.

It is worth notingIn the case of Instagram, such an advertisement will not pass. And even if she somehow succeeds, then the maximum that you can find out is the number of transitions on an advertising announcement. But after all, not every visit is converted to the subscriber.

Thus, the assessment of how effective the advertising of two different advertising companies should come from the number of subscribers who came. After all, only in this case, you can find out which advertising company to continue, and what no. Of course there are services that allow watching time statistics, but unfortunately in Instagram has the so-called "Deposit effects."In this connection, such a check should be made throughout a long period of time, but no day and week.

What are the benefits of targeted advertising in the social network Instagram?

  • The advertising budget does not require five digits. To date, instagram is only increasing its potential, so it is not so expensive to advertise in it, as in other social networks. It should be assumed that in a year or two advertising prices will drastically change.
  • Instagram The most fast-growing network of the world. It is precisely because of this in Instagram, it is possible to earn good, as the audience has not yet been brought by advertising publications. Therefore, if you want to advertise in Instagram, then you need to do it now.
  • Kenshoo has brought statistics from which it follows that users instagram click on advertising 2.5 times more often than users of other social networks. Thus, this suggests that the audience in Instagram is very living on advertising.
  • Instram absolutely disinterestedly and loyally refers to any brand or company, and therefore the accounts of companies have millions of subscribers, which cannot be said in other social networks.
  • Targeted advertising is primarily flexible settings and huge opportunities to choose an audience for any subject.

Who should think about advertising in Instagram?

  • Online shopping that are engaged in consumer goods. For example, a teddy toy store or furniture store.
  • Indi-developers of mobile applications and games that want to gain popularity and score their fans.
  • Restaurants, bars, cafes and pizzerias.
  • Tour operators and agencies for the tourist destination.
  • Companies that sell colors, home and crafting decor.
  • Musicians, artists, stars, celebrities show business and just creative personalities.

How does targeted advertising work?

We give an example of promoting the profile with the help of targeted advertising, while the weekly budget of the advertising company amounted to 4500 rubles.

So, first we will give a schedule for the growth of subscribers in numbers, and then as it looked for weeks, that is, more detail.



Very much noticeable imbalances, so you can draw conclusions that the promotion strategy must either be completely changed or more specified and improved.

Week 1: lack of advertising posts

In the first week, the instagram profile lost 16 subscribers, while at the loss of 2 followers. In principle, the loss is not so significant and in the future will not affect the statistics.

Week 2. Playment advertising only on Facebook


The second week is less transparent in terms of results. As a result, the overall coverage of the audience amounted to 83569 people, and advertising brought 3000 transitions, despite the fact that each click accounted for an average of 1.5 rubles.

Therefore, we can conclude that we received 127 new subscribers for such a cheap advertising, and 18 subscribers have already become a daily increase. The price of each subscriber was 35 rubles, which is a 4% transition conversion.

Week 3: advertising with playment only in Instagram


The third week has become more productive in terms of subscribers, and 147,000 people have already become the overall coverage of the audience. Nevertheless, advertising brought to three less transitions, and at the same time a daily increase was already 155 people per day.

As a result, in 3 weeks of conducting an advertising company, we received only 1085 new subscribers, the price of each was 4 rubles.

Week 4: changed the winner optimization model

For the fourth week, we decided to create an absolutely new advertising company, for which other promotional materials, text and photos were prepared, and also dramatically changed the concept. In this connection, the last week of advertising on Facebook was focused exclusively on clicks, and in the fourth - for shows. Here the task consisted in the following how to determine which promotion strategy is more efficient and less cost.

After all, it is known, in marketing the opinion is wandering that the more the transition, the more subscribers and the conversion, but it was not there. In this case, the coverage was twice as much, that is, 260,000 people, and at the same time only 135 transitions were obtained. Thus, the strategy of promotion with transitions was already 7 times unprofitable.


Results and conclusions

So, we also compiled a special table that filled out every week. As a result, the following came:


How it looks like a histogram:


It suggests that the profile advertising instagram on the social network Facebook brings a huge number of transitions, of which almost zero part is converted to subscribers.

The reason for this is that when moving from Facebook on an advertising announcement, a person needs to be logged in to enter your instagram account and only after subscription. Therefore, even a strongly interested user simply leaves this page, and you will stay without a subscriber.

How to set up targeted advertising?

Well, let's move on to setting up an advertising company.

It is worth notingthat all work with the advertising company will be held on Facebook.

So, if you can't deal with the settings in the advertising office, then you need to adhere to our rules:

  • First of all, you need to choose a target audience on which your advertising publication will be located.


  • After selecting the target audience, you need to choose a playment, that is, where your advertisement will be shown.


  • Then you need to choose the advertising budget, as well as clarify the date, time and end of the work of the advertising company.


  • Now you need to choose the type of payment, that is, payment for shows, or payment for transitions (clicks).


  • After that you need to upload photos and write a promotional post.


  • When you go to the final stage of design, you will see the field "Website URL". If your advertisement leads to an external site, then insert its address, and if it is an Instagram profile advertisement, then leave the field empty.


  • Ready! Advertising Company issued and now you need to click on the "Place Order" button.


Therefore, things are concluded with targeted advertising in the Instagram social network.

Video: Targhered advertisement in instagram. How to set up targeted advertising in Instagram?

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