How to read and create QR codes on iPhone and iPad? QR code reading program for iPhone
Today the QR codes are very popular and there are many ways to count and create them. We will talk, how to read and create QR codes on the iPhone.
QR—codes appeared yet in 1994 year, but were not so distributed as now. Today these two-dimensional codes become part everyday life. No one not wait, if a sawn this square in newspaper, on the stop, in internet and so further. Reading and creature QR—codes possibly for owners iPhone., for of this we need only set special attachment.
IN App. Store. today represented huge quantity apps, allowing read and create QR—codes. Per some have to to pay, but most provided on the add to cart Royalty free based. Sure, in plan functional they are inferior own paid analog.
One of apps it has large advantages before other — it possessed high speed work, interesting design, but also functionality. Called it QR Reader.. let's talk about nem. more details.
how consider QR—the code?
Open attachment. IN the main thing window located self scanner, which the load on the picture .
By the way, parameters is he it has also decent quantity. TO example, can remove or to do flash, or perform scanning of buffer exchange. By the way, attachment yet conduct to read the words and search from them help information in global network.
how create QR—the code?
Do their QR—codes also not complicated. IN it is you will help section «Generator«, where you we need total only point, what information will be loaded in based coda. it can be everything, what wisdom — address site., number phone, location, electronic post office and so further.