How to choose a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone and buy an aliexpress? What is better to buy Samsung Galaxy S5 or iPhone 5S to Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
4 Nov 2016.

In this article we will discuss which smartphone is better - iPhone 6 Plus or Samsung Galaxy S5, and also wonder how to buy Galaxy S5 on Aliexpress.

Already some years in internet before sih pore are conducted spore by occasion in addition what operational system it is betteriOS. or Android. AND everyone user impose exactly honey opinion. Alone accustomed consider Apple. simply split brand, which the sold by undeserved high prices. Others same convince in tom, what devices reliable and have high quality.

But talk, such. and remain, if a not justification. therefore we talk about two flagsiPhone. 6 Plus. and Samsung Galaxy S5..

Housing and design

Galaxy S5.

Galaxy S5.

Let's start from Galaxy S5.. Well, what to tell, generation grow up, but design practically not changed. Developers simply not i want to nothing change, so as and without of this everything excellent works. Tales by design similar on the Galaxy Note. 3, cap made of plastic.

Other in words, nothing special. Single feature is an plug below, that protects gadget from penetration in it moisture. therefore now smartphon not scary even swimming under water in flow several watch.

BUT here Apple., on the contrary, i decided distinguish and vidos in its own product significant change:

  • Instead direct lines you see rounded the edges.
  • Noticeable decreased thickness.
  • Transition in sleeping mode now implemented from right parties. it allows now to govern IPhone one hand.
  • If a speak about disadvantages, that stand out camera, so as she is stated loop on the 0,7 mM. from corps. therefore it is better total together from purchase smartphone, acquire case to him, to rightness was smoothing, and housing was protected from damage.


Smartphone cameras

Smartphone cameras

Samsung Galaxy S5. it has one of most advanced cameras. Per score new matrians Isocell. 1/2.6, that possessed expansion 16 Megapixel, w. you it turns out by real excellent snapshots, but from help regime HDR quality photography will be possible even for bad svetle. Video recorded from resolution Ultra HD. (4k.) and it has frequency 30 personnel in give me a sec. If a you you are taking standard FULL HD., that frequency increase before 60 personnel in give me a sec.

iPhone. 6 by compare from that smartphone it seems not thus just technology, but this is only on the first sight. how and w. fifth models camera it has those same 8 MP, but if a consider her more detail, that becomes clear, what technology was polished and improved. Snapshots appeal good quality, but autofocus triggers nearly immediately. what concerns Samsung, that here such history not works. W. you not whenever his simply get and here same to do photo.

Video remove in FullHD quality from frequency in 60 personnel in give me a sec, but if a to do resolution below, that frequency can draw up 240 personnel in give me a sec.

Autonomous work



IN Galaxy S5. used battery from capacity 2800 mach. His full enough on the 7 watch work in internet or 5 watch for games. BUT if a you want to on the length long of time be long away from at home, that you should like option energy saving, allowing set restrictions on the performance processor, reduce frequency personnel, turn off GPS. and even translate screen in mode monochrome images (then everything colors will be transmit in shades gray).

iPhone. 6 Plus. in it is plan also advanced forward and acquired battery from capacity 3000 mach. If a compare from previous his models, that capacity stated more nearly in two times. But this is not so, what time autonomous work became more.
So as in smartphone installed new screen and more powerful « filling», battery considated also fast. Enough spend watch five in load and everything, it's time set gadget on the charging. If a same enjoy telephone only for sMS and calls, that then is he can work without charge some days.


Samsung it has cPU Snapdragon. 801 from four nuclei and frequency 2,5 GHz.. Besides togo, w. it available 2 GB operative memory. Of this in principle enough for many games and program. TO example, in game EPIC. Citadel., when settings made self high, that frequency personnel located on the level about 45 personnel in give me a sec. But here worth it take in payment tOT fact, what tested the game on the « pure» device.

what concerns iPhone. 6s Plus., that for it used cPU Apple. A8. dual-core from 1,4 GHz. on the everyone core. Operative memory make up total 1 GB. Not impressed? Not worth it get upset, so as all already long known, what what would be gadget from this companies not was covered, is he everything equally will be work as we need. So what can even not bite benchmarks and measurements.

how choose Samsung Galaxy S6. on the Aliexpress?

so, we compared two absolutely different smartphone and came to conclusion, what both not so just and bad. Now let's we will understand, as and where to find Samsung Galaxy S6. on the Aleixpress.
the main feature consists in tom, what seller on the this playground it is impossible enjoy names original marks, so sometimes search whatthat concrete models Samsung causes difficulties.
But, we made little selection reliable shops, which sell smartphones and not only Samsung Galaxy S5.  by low prices.

Here, what shows system for in water in search string samsung galaxy s5. original. phone.

how to find, choose and buy telephone Samsung in the Internet store Aliexpress?

How to find chinese samsung on aliexpress?

How to find chinese samsung on aliexpress?

  • To to find on the Aliexpress smartphone brands Samsung we need first open section « Mobile phones» and there choose of all brand suitable.
  • Further you will be able to tune filtercolor, design, language, communication.
  • Before check out, everything lie characteristics you suit, and specify w. seller by occasion warranty. Besides togo, ask by occasion packagethere is lie there headphones, charging and map memory.
  • If a everything this is absent, that ask discount, so as for full package have to yet spend money. Although, if a available such opportunity, that find it is better other seller, which the can sell full set per adequate price.

Chinese Samsung Galaxy S5.: characteristics, overview



Some people important « filling», but other view smartphone. Exactly for latest try Chinese and create copies Samsung Galaxy S5..

On the today's day already not such dislike to chinese models phones, as it was earlier. it conducted top, what do copies highly qualitatively, but they are simply different characteristic. we talk about characteristics chinese copies Samsung Galaxy S5..

The smartphone it has full similarity from original. what concerns filling, that w. it worth it cPU MTK6572. 1.2 GHz., GPS. module for work from navigation, Wifi, camera 5 MP, operative memory 1GB and built-in4GB. Can also insert map memory. Operational system here rusified and it has version Android 4.2.2.

how and w. original, w. chinese copies screen it has 5,1 in. For protection from external influences used Gorilla. Glass..

Cost make up 4500 rubles, in that time as original can have price in 25 thousand rubles.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 MINI: characteristics, overview



Goophone has already been famous for the release of iPhone 4 and 5, and recently introduced a copy to the world. SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 MINI. As a rule, the fake to distinguish easily, but the employees of this company tried to fame.

Under the lid of the device, you will find slots under the SIM card and Micro SD, as well as a removable battery.

The hardware looks quite solid. The smartphone is built in the MEDIATEK MT6582 processor with four cores, 1 GB of RAM, 5.1 inch display and camera 8 MP. In addition, GSM and WCDMA communication standards are supported.

The battery has a capacity of 2800 mAh, which gives good autonomy.

As in the original, the system has many built-in features and widgets. The device is characterized by good performance.

Navigation is triggered smoothly without any delay, the camera is turned on quickly.

By the way, the cost is far from the original and is only $ 116 on Aliexpress.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 I9600: characteristics, overview



With the release of each new Chinese device, it becomes harder to distinguish from the original. Manufacturers are mastering new technologies. They didn't go around and SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 I9600.

What is the difference between the Chinese smartphone from the original? First of all, this is the presence of a fingerprint scanner. Due to the high cost of sensors, they simply do not put in Chinese fakes.

Camera U. SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 I9600 quite weak and missing option "Dual Camera"as well as mode HDR.

Chinese characters may be present in the smartphone menu, or when opening the application it will be in Chinese. In addition, there is no package of original applications.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 I9600 from Aliexpress it does not have a heart rhythm monitor, which is located under the camera's outbreak of the device behind the device. In addition, there are no unique gesture management features (Smart Stay).

Of course, fakes make it better, but to distinguish the real SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 I9600 And the counterfeit is not difficult and without viewing the menu.

A special corrugated structure is located on the back, and the USB connector has an appropriate inscription. In addition, the original smartphone is installed IP67 protection. That is, it can be lowered into the water and it will work further without any problems. It is impossible to do this with a Chinese copy.

Video: SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 with Aliexpress

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