How to learn how to work on a computer: training program, tutorial work on a computer for beginners and pensioners. What programs and Internet resources will master on a computer, laptop first?

Published by B. Useful advice
4 Mar 2018.

Tips and training materials for those who want to master the computer from scratch on their own.

21 century - century of computer technology. It is difficult to imagine such a kind of activity that would not require a person at least minimal knowledge of a stationary computer and the ability to use the standard set of programs. Even in those areas where previously all work was performed only manually and on a piece of paper, the main requirement for the employee is the ability to handle computing technology.

The current situation can deliver a lot of inconvenience to people who have never been lucky to face anything more technologically, than the printing machine. Particularly hard can be pensioners and people of the older generation, which will be forced to independently study the basics of computer literacy from scratch, so as not to lose their favorite work.

If you feel about the group of people who do not speak the basic work skills on the computer, and you have no opportunity to sign up for special training seminars, do not worry ahead of time. Having a desire, perseverance and some time, you can quickly learn how to handle the computer at the user level. In our article, we will tell you how it can be done, where to start and provide you with a set of resources and materials for self-study.

Image 1. Computer literacy asses: Tips and beginner materials.

Image 1. Computer literacy asses: Tips and beginner materials.


  • Before moving to learning, it should be assimilated the main rule, the essence of which is that the computer is impossible to master exclusively in theory. Even if you reread a lot of literature and review a large number of training videos, without practicing you still do not achieve the desired result.
  • Consequently, to get the necessary knowledge, you need to interact with the computer throughout the learning process. To do this, you will need to include it daily and in practice to master read or viewed materials. Do not be upset if initially you will not understand anything. After the start of the learning process, this feeling will soon leave you and you will begin to experiment and study new features and functions of the computer.
  • At the initial stage, it is recommended to resort to the prompts of a person who owns the knowledge of the computer at the level of an advanced user. Contact your help to your acquaintances, friends or relatives so that they can give a hint in the process of mastering your PC if you have something to get. If there are no such people, they can replace the training videos.

What programs and Internet resources to master the laptop on the computer first?

  • 1. If you do not have completely no computer skills, then the first thing you need to learn is to enable and turn off the computer. If in most cases enough pressing the power button on the housing, then to turn off the computer and the correct completion of its operation it is necessary to master the operating system interface and the main menu " Start" If you turn off its power button, it will not live for a long time.
Image 2. Example of turning off the computer in the Windows operating system.

Image 2. Example of turning off the computer in the Windows operating system.

  • 2. At the next stage, you will need to master the basics of working with the operating system. Namely to understand how to open folders, files, run standard applications on the like text editor " Notebook"Or a graphic editor" Paint." Also in the process of studying the operating system, you can explore the menu " Start"And" Control Panel" No parameters are recommended there, but examine their sections and read about the settings will be extremely useful.
Image 3. Paint graphic editor.

Image 3. Paint graphic editor.

  • 3. After mastering the principles of the operating system, you can go to the study of the browser through which the Internet is exercised. This application is extremely simple and after its development you can attend various sites and take the information you need from them.
  • As soon as you figure it out with the browser interface, immediately take care of the study of such search engines as " Yandex."And" Google" Their development will help you in finding the necessary information, both for further learning and for other purposes.
  • After mastering search engines, it should be understood by the principle of work of postal hosting " Yandex.», «», « Gmail."And to create yourself on one of them the mailbox that you will be useful to both to communicate and exchange files with your friends and for registration on various sites and Internet services.
Image 4. Yandex, Mail, Gmail postal hostings.

Image 4. Yandex, Mail, Gmail postal hostings.

  • 4. After the minimum internet development and search engines, you should take care of the safety of your computer. First, beware of sites with suspicious content. Adulting sites and sites with materials for adults may contain malicious software (viruses) that imperceptibly penetrate the user's computer and violate it. Read on the Internet about antivirus programs, select, download and install one of them on your computer.
  • 5. Continue the list of basics can be infinitely, but the development of the above programs and Internet resources will help you independently find tutorials on the necessary programs, operating system settings and other computer capabilities.

How to learn how to work on a computer: training program, tutorial work on a computer for beginners and pensioners

  • Of course, the higher the information provided is only an entry and a set of recommendations for the study of a computer for beginners. In order to start studying the basics of a computer, you need to get a training manual, where everything is written in steps and illustrated.
  • In the stores of training literature and in some computer stores, you can find printed options for learning benefits for mastering the computer from scratch. However, on the Internet there are a lot of free, high-quality and understandable self-readers, in which computer literacy lessons are given with illustrations.

We took upon ourselves the courage to select a few good tutorial sites for you. Ask familiar to print you several initial lessons from these sites on paper and proceed to master the computer.

  • - Computer literacy tutorial for beginners with illustrations, where computer terminology is described in detail, the computer and the operating system, the process of working with its interface and the development of the Internet. Start training is recommended from this resource.
  • - Another good tutorial to master the computer and popular programs. More suitable for those who have already mastered the browser and can walk on sites.
  • Computer Academy - Canal on the popular video hosting YouTube, where you can find many educational videos to master the computer and mobile gadgets. This resource is suitable for those who have already mastered the Internet and search engines.
Image 5. A print speed training program on a blind computer.

Image 5. A print speed training program on a blind computer.

If your work on a computer is associated with a set of texts of large volumes, we recommend that you pay attention to the program " Solo on the keyboard" This utility is a good simulator to increase the text set speed and excellent tutorial on the development of the blind printing method (without glance at the keyboard). The range of programs have about hundreds of tasks of different levels of complexity. Passing all of them, you will become a real gerup of the print.

Download the Solo program on the keyboard

Video: Computer from scratch. All about the computer for 1 hour

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