How to assemble a computer from the components to Aliexpress? Computer components for Aliexpress: Browse, price, catalog, reviews

Published by B. Aliexpress
17 Dec 2016.

To collect a good computer, you need to purchase a lot of details. And where to find them? Of course, on Aliexpress.


If you decide to assemble the computer yourself, we recommend you to look at the components available on Aliexpress. This venue is famous for its huge assortment, a variety of sellers and low prices.

If you are not registered yet on the site, we recommend reading the article - "How to register for Aliexpress?" or explore "Buyer's Guide" on the site itself.

Catalog of components for computers in the online store AlExpress

You should not be afraid to collect the computer yourself, as it goes cheaper, and it's not as difficult as it may seem. Moreover, all components today have a protection system, that is, they can only be installed in one way, which will be correct.

To independently collect the computer you will need:

  • Motherboard
  • CPU
  • Cooling
  • RAM
  • HDD
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Power Supply
  • Video card

All these components you can easily purchase on Aliexpress.

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How to buy a computer monitor in online store Aliexpress?

Monitor for computer

Monitor for computer

Each display has its own technical characteristics. What to pay attention to when choosing a new monitor?

  • Screen size. If you collect a computer for games, then it's better, of course, to take a bigger diagonal, as it will look better on it. For simple everyday tasks, a diagonal of up to 20 inches is suitable.
  • Screen format. Today widescreen monitors 16: 9 or 16:10 are very popular, as many films and games are available in this format.
  • Maximum resolution. If you need a clear picture, then it is worth choosing a more resolution, for example, 2560x1440.
  • LED backlight. Thanks to the presence of this backlight, the screen is better transmitted color and at the same time consumes less energy.
  • LCD matrix. All monitors are made using TFT technology, but the LCD has its own, additional. So consider it when choosing.
  • HDMI input. This interface is designed to transmit the image in a digital format and the presence will allow you to get a clearer picture.
  • 3D support. Such a monitor shows a picture in a three-dimensional format, that is, you can easily enjoy 3D films without any problems.

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Reviews of buying a monitor in the online store Aliexpress

Evgeny: The monitor is excellent. Weighs a little, bright colors, there is support for the Russian language. Brought to me in just two weeks from Singapore. Packaging quality. The kit includes two stands - on the table and wall, charger, console and HDMI cable. In general, I like everything!

Timofey: The screen is pretty good, his speaker is loud. I tried to connect through tulips to the TV console, everything works. If you connect via VGA, then nothing bad happens. Monitor itself likes.

How to buy a motherboard for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Motherboard for computer

Motherboard for computer

Motherboards on Aliexpress You will find in a large assortment. Thanks to the presence of filters, you can independently select the connectors you are interested in. Today there are models having a built-in video card, a chip to work with Wi-FiImproved audio card and much more.

Good option for choosing company products Gigabyte.. Here you can choose a motherboard just for work or powerful for games. By the way, in addition to modern models, sellers traded and old, so if you just need to find a spare part, you can try to search for Aliexpress.

It is important to understand that the motherboard must have perfect dimensions to fit in the system unit housing. If this does not happen, it will have to get a new corps.

On the Aliexpress Presented several types of motherboards:

  • DDR.
  • DDR2.
  • DDR3
  • DDR4.
  • SDRA

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Reviews of buying a motherboard online store AlExpress

Yuri.: Packaged parcel was carefully. Although delivery was long - about 40 days. There are, of course, flaws. Two USB ports and Slot for RAM does not work. The first problem was solved by simple cleaning ports from oxide, since the motherboard was kept in moisture, but it did not work out the second problem. The seller admitted his mistake and gave a discount.

Michael: Sending a parcel within a month. Everything works perfectly. The only thing that could not update the BIOS and the flash drive is not read. Although the Bios version stands the penultimate. All memory card slots work. I tried to dispel the processor, everything turned out fine. The seller is to trust, the product corresponds to the description and fully qualitative.

How to buy RAM for computer in online store Aliexpress?

RAM for computer

RAM for computer

In catalog Alicpress More than three thousand types of RAM are presented. In addition to new models DDR3 and can find versions and for old motherboards DDR2. and DDR1.. On average one fee DDR3 costs 800 rubles.

The most popular is the RAM, having a frequency of 1333 MHz. As the majority of sellers say, they check the goods on working capacity before sending the client.

No matter what boards DDR2. Already lose their relevance, they are the most popular. The most disclosed is considered PC2-6400.. Buyer can choose one of several options. It all depends on the frequency and volume.

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Reviews on the purchase of RAM in the online store Aliexpress

Boris.: Received an order for 23 days. The goods came to the one that ordered - 2 GB at 800 MHz. Packaging is excellent, it was not damaged during transportation. Although the seller does not write that it sells, Kingston KVR800D2S6 / 2G came to me, although I doubt his originality. But everything works with a bang! So, thanks!

Ivan.: I ordered two strips. I received after 16 days. The track was tracked without problems, the packaging is careful and neat. SAMSUNG stickers on boards. I drove through Memtest86 - everything is fine.

How to buy a video card for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Video card for computer

Video card for computer

There are two types of video cards on sale:

  • Discrete
  • Integrated

Discrete video cards are separate details that are inserted into the motherboard. Aliexpress It has more than a thousand different goods in the range. Find here you can map from 64 to 2048 MB. When purchasing, you should definitely know which one should be a connector. The most popular are AMD. and NVIDIA. Sellers are also offered a video card from MatroxBut the best does not take, as problems arise with the installation.

Also, remember that you can run into a fraudster. They under the guise of a modern new card can send old. Also, instead of solid, the version optimized for laptops is encountered.

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Reviews of buying a video card in the online store AlExpress

Pavel: The video card came the same as in the photo, the quality is normal, but it can be seen that the Chinese fake. The fan is weak, so it will die quickly and on the places of adhesions there is blades, as if they kept the map in the raw room. The seller writes that the HDMI-connector video card although the fact is worth MiniHDMI. The kit includes drivers and gloves.

Alexander: Came the card quickly. The box shows that it hit when transporting, at least on the parcel and was the "fragile" sticker. Although, fortunately, the goods itself is a whole. CPU-Z shows the name, revision, memory type and volume. No more data. But all works well.

How to buy a computer for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Case for computer

Case for computer

Many people think that the body choose is very simple. But it is not. All items should be perfectly interfered in it differently will have to buy a new one. Therefore, when choosing a case, consider the following:

  • Dimensions of motherboard
  • Number of video cards and their size
  • Number of hard drives
  • Approximate power supply power
  • Ventilation
  • Quantity and sizes Cooling fans
  • Places for installing a DVD drive
  • Will non-standard coolers be installed

Only after analyzing all the criteria you can choose the most suitable body for PC.

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Reviews about buying a case in online store Aliexpress

Sergey: The case is excellent. Made a media server from it. If you do not insert the extension cards, then you can insert several hard drives at the bottom and one more placed under the front panel. During the assembly, be careful, as aluminum is easy to scratch.

Vitaly: The hull is made of fine aluminum. Metal is very soft, so careful circulation is required. On the side walls there is a small defect - they are pressed a couple of millimeters inside. But in general, I like everything.

How to buy cooling for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Cooling for computer

Cooling for computer

With high-quality cooling of computer parts, they will work for a long time. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to them. On the Aliexpress Several types of cooling systems are presented:

  • Water. This is the most expensive cooling, but the most effective. It works on a similar principle with a refrigerator. The system itself is volumetric, as it consists of a variety of details, and there is a lot of space for them.
  • Air. This cooling is working with a radiator with a fan. This is the most popular type of cooling, and quite inexpensive.
  • Passive. This is less efficient, but the most quiet cooling method. There is simply no noise here, since this system only provides for the presence of a radiator.

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Reviews of buying cooling in the online store AlExpress

Vadim.: Fans fully justify their cost. The stream of air is decent, there is a bright backlight, but a little buzzing, and constantly. The parcel came about in a month. Acquisition is pleased.

Anton: The package went five weeks. For such a sum, the fan is not bad. A little buzz, but smeared with silicone lubricant and it seems even better. The backlight is weak, but I am satisfied. I will take more!

How to buy a power supply for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Power supply for computer

Power supply for computer

This is another thing that cannot be saved is because it gives life to a computer. If you save on the power supply, it will mean that money is spent in vain. It must have a power of 500-550 watts.

Better this detail only with a guarantee. For example, if your computer constantly hangs, the problem may hide in it.

Aliexpress Provides a large selection of power supplies with the most different power. In this case, you need to choose not based on the price, but from the power. If you have a powerful video card, the unit must match.

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Reviews about buying a power supply in the online store AlExpress

a lion: The block works well, in principle, but a little unstable tension. Instead of declared 12 at the output, 9.9 V. It turns out to feed the motherboard, it is better to use another power supply that will have a stable output.

Saveli.: The parcel came quickly. All corresponds to the description and photo. Works fine! Seller Many thanks!

How to buy a hard disk for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Hard disk for computer

Hard disk for computer

One of the most important components of the computer is a hard disk. On the Aliexpress Present three types:

  • HDD.
  • SSD.
  • External hard drive

HDD disks with a volume of 1 GB use the greatest demand. Buyers say. That it has the highest data transfer rate - 7,200 revolutions per minute. During operation, such models are not noisy, to what to pay attention to them. Clients like this product thanks to a large amount of memory. Some sellers are guaranteed to work within 24 months.

For laptops on the site, too, there are many different models. Their cost varies depending on the amount of memory. When buying, the order is packaged in a special package that is protected from sunshine. To purchase such a detail, you should know which connector from your motherboard.

With external hard drives everything is much easier. Here you need to know how information should be transmitted.

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Reviews of buying a hard disk in the online store AlExpress

Victor: Hard disk came two weeks after payment. Unpacked and set. Everything added to Windows and, while everything works, as should. The seller also sent a warranty card for 1 year.

Samson: The order got quickly, literally in a couple of weeks. Packing package is good. The product corresponds to the description and photo, so that the seller is a big thanks and mega-respect!

How to buy a processor for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Computer processor

Computer processor

The processor is the heart of the computer and is responsible for performing all operations. On the Aliexpress Presented more than 1,200 different models.

Choosing a processor, see not only on his description, but also on the product of the goods themselves. On the surface, the clock frequency and other important parameters are usually indicated. Some sellers write one in the description, and in fact it turns out completely different.

One of the undergoing inexpensive models is Intel E8600.which is an excellent solution for those who want to save and purchase a powerful processor. Its clock frequency is 3000 Hz. He has two cores, which allows him to work stably. If we talk about the shortcomings, because of your characteristics, the processor is not suitable for each motherboard.

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Reviews about buying a processor in the online store Aliexpress

Dmitriy: At first ordered one model, but then chose another. The seller sent what is needed. Purchase was pleased. Ordered for MSI P35 NEO card. The seller immediately said that the bios requires an update, so I prepared in advance. Included thermal Cap, everything that has already been done with him, so I only installed. Works well, no problem. Thank you!

Andrew: I asked the seller to send Costa Ria that he went. Packaging consisted of plastic case and thermal packets in the bag. The processor comes with an adapter and propyl. The lid has small scratches, but in the description it is indicated that the parts used. BIOSU required an update. Made without problems. Quality at level. Thank you!

How to buy a keyboard for a computer in the online store Aliexpress?

Keyboard for computer

Keyboard for computer

The keyboard is a device that facilitate the input of information into the computer. Without it, you can not do without it, otherwise, how you will print.

By choosing the keyboard it is worth paying attention to several points:

  • Convenience. You should be convenient to print. Today there are many keyboards - with beveled keys, curved, small and compact. It all depends on your taste.
  • Stand. Its presence will be very weltering, as it allows the hands of relaxing at the "doodle".
  • Multimedia. Models with multimedia keys have additional buttons and functions - you can listen to music, adjust the sound, run programs.
  • Noity. If you print a lot, then after a long work from clicks, the head can get sick, and others may irritate such a sound if you hear it constantly.

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Reviews about buying a keyboard in the online store Aliexpress

Yaroslav: Order reached the month. The seller invested in the parcel from two sides of the cardboard, probably against blows. When transporting with the package was not very careful. All goods itself, working. Fully complies with the description.

Olga: Before Bashkiria, the parcel reached 28 days, which is quite good. The keyboard is a whole, for this price is generally excellent. Seller Many thanks for the interesting product!

How to buy a mouse for a computer in the online store AlExpress?

Computer mouse

Computer mouse

The mouse is also important to the computer as other details. Without it, you will not be able to perform any action. There are three price categories of computer mice:

  • Up to 500 rubles. These are not the highest quality mice. They do not differ convenience, and functionality too. One is more suitable for use in computer classes, not at home. For yourself, it is better to purchase something more expensive. Although someone is convenient for someone.
  • From 500 to 3000 rubles. This is the perfect price range. In this case, you will get a comfortable mouse with a decent functionality, and even it is not necessary to acquire a model more expensive than 1000 rubles. For such a price, you can completely choose a decent option.
  • More than 3000 rubles. Of course, these are the coolest mice. But is the purchase justified? To solve only you.

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Reviews of buying a computer mouse in the online store AlExpress

Maria: Seller thank you so much! Sent quickly. Received an order in two weeks. The mouse is very pleased, she is perfectly lying in his hand. The material is high quality, the pleasant weight is felt, which is convenient for control. Recommend!

Maxim: The mouse is good, it works fine. I bought an old one, since she had a bad scrolling. There are no problems with this mouse. Packaged parcel was good, the product fully complies with the description.

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