How to distribute the Internet from the phone? How to distribute Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi) from the phone?

Published by B. Mobile Internet / Useful advice
Aug 5, 2016.

Step-by-step Internet Distribution Guide with Android, iOS and Windows Phone mobile devices.

In the 21st century, almost every person on Earth enjoys the Internet. In our life, it is just necessary. Routers and modems, distributing Wi-Fi, are installed in each apartment, cafe, cinema, school, and even public transport. However, it often happens that people are leaving far from civilization, where there is no cafe, nor restaurants and the more Wi-Fi access points, but to enter the Internet they are vital. What to do?
In such a situation, the cell phone with a mobile Internet is very helpring. After all, cellular and satellite coating are almost everywhere, and the speed of such an Internet today is very rather big. But, unfortunately, at least modern phones and have many possibilities and advantages, they still cannot replace a stationary computer or laptop.

You will not print an article with them, you will not play the website, you will not play computer games, but you can use them as a modem and distribute the Internet through Wi-Fi to other devices.

This does not require any professional knowledge, additional programs and trusted instructions. This article is a step-by-step guide on how to create a Wi-Fi access point on different mobile operating systems.


How to distribute Wi-Fi from mobile devices?

How to configure the distribution of the Internet on Android devices via Wi-Fi?

  • In order to distribute the Internet from Android database, you need to translate the device to modem mode. To do this, you need to go to the main menu of settings of your device, open the "Other Network" tab, go to the menu item "Modem and Access Point" and activate the "Portable Access Point" function
  • After activating this feature, your phone will play the role of the modem and distribute the Internet to other devices, but from the device itself configured under the modem, Internet access via Wi-Fi will be closed until the modem mode is disabled
  • Information for connecting to the Internet from other devices, namely the name of the access point and password, will appear in the same window

Android modem mode

How to set the distribution of the Internet on iOS devices via Wi-Fi?

  • To activate this function on devices with the IOS operating system, you need to go to the main settings menu and find the modema mode item. If you failed to detect such an item on the menu, it suggests that there is no mobile Internet on your device or at all. Make sure it is available, restart the device and check the menu again.
  • In the Modem Mode, activate this feature, moving the slider to the "Included" position and that's it. It is done
  • In the same window, information will be indicated for Internet connection from other devices.

Modem mode IOS.

How to set up the distribution of the Internet WindowsPhone devices via Wi-Fi?

  • To distribute the Internet from devices on the Windows Phone operating system, you need to open the main menu of your device settings and go to the "General Internet" section. After you went to the section, move the slider to activate the function
  • The same window displays all information for connecting to the Internet from other devices.

Windows Phone Modem Modem

Additional Information

  • After the device is configured under the modem, sit down at the computer or take another device from which you want to connect, go to "Wireless Networks" and find among them the name of your improvised modem, enter the password that was automatically generated by your network and use in your own pleasure
  • Typically, there are no problems with the connection, but sometimes the network may not be displayed in the list available. In order for it to appear there, you need to update the list of available wireless networks or turn off and turn on the Wi-Fi adapter of the device from which you want to connect
  • It is worth noting that with the activated modem mode, the device is discharged almost 2-3 times faster than usual, so it should be connected to power, otherwise you will have all the joys of the world cobweb you will have no long

Important: On some devices, the password is not automatically generated and any passerby can connect to your Internet and to fool all traffic. In this case, try to use the Internet in remote places and disconnect the modem mode after completing it with it. Mobile router distributes Wi-Fi within a radius of 20-30 meters

Video: How to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from the phone?

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