How to check the iPhone and iPad for spyware by Pegasus?

Published by B. iOS.
16 Oct 2016.

Recently it was found that spyware is installed on the iPhones from Pegasus, which steals personal user data. How to check your smartphone for such applications?

Most recently specialists responsible for safety Apple. Found a dangerous app Pegasus.. It turns out that thanks to him, hackers received personal information of users from their smartphones and without suspicion.

Immediately after the danger is detected Apple. Copped "holes" in the system and implemented iOS 9.3.5. In this article we will tell you how to check your gadget for the presence of spyware.

It costs to immediately say that if you have a system system lower than 9.3.5, then correct the situation. It is in it vulnerabilities for By Pegasus. were covered. If you do not want to lose the installed jailbreak, then check the smartphone.

How to check the device without jailbreak?

  • Download the app Lookout.
  • This program uses not so simple, but because the virus has discovered this company with colleagues from Citizen Lab..
  • Open the program and register.
Iphon check for spyware

Iphon check for spyware

  • Special attention is paid to the section "Protection". If at the end of the check, each item will burn green, it indicates the lack of malware.

How to check if you have a jailbreak?

  • Open Cidya and add a repository
  • Load tweak Perl
Tweak Perl in Cidya

Tweak Perl in Cidya

  • Make another repository:
  • Next download tweak pGCheck.
pgCheck in Cidya.

pgCheck in Cidya.

  • Perform a reboot of smartphone
Completing the installation of PGCheck in Cidya

Completing the installation of PGCheck in Cidya

When all actions are executed, the PGCheck program in the background mode will work on your device. It is designed to track spyware. If this is detected, then activate the mode "In the plane" For a couple of minutes and the utility will get rid of the software.

Video: How to check the iPhone and iPad for the presence of spyware on Pegasus (without jailbreak)?

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