How to fill out and where to enter the passport details on AlExpress? How to add passport details for customs in the computer aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
15 Jul 2017.

The article tells everything about passport data on " Aliexpress».

Such personal information as passport data can be used by fraudsters for mercenary purposes. It worries users when they find out that in the online store " Aliexpress»You must specify passport details, for example, when choosing a delivery method.

It is known that such information needs to be provided in the bank, when making a SIM card, the registration of the electronic wallet. But not in each case, the user feels confident when you have to upload your passport, and this applies directly to the store " Aliexpress».


How to fill out and where to enter the passport details on Aliexpress as in the computer and in Appendix AlExpress add passport details for customs

What to do in such a situation? In this review, we will talk about why you need to provide passports in the store " Aliexpress", As well as where and where they should be missed.

Is it necessary to specify passport details when registering on "Aliexpress"?

Of course, first long we will need to register in the online store " Aliexpress"To have a matter with him in the future. But do you need to enter your personal data somewhere?


How to fill out and where to enter the passport details on Aliexpress as in the computer and in Appendix AlExpress add passport details for customs

When you create your " Personal Area»On this site, you will not require passport data. You will need only to specify your login, first name, surname, e-mailbox, as well as password from the account. That's all. If suddenly you need passport data, then you are dealing with fraudsters - not at that site (veiled under " Aliexpress"), Or a dubious letter came to the mail with a request to provide personal information.

Always ignore such letters and such sites if you pass the registration process on the site " Aliexpress"No matter how they would not look like official resources.

In which case, the passport details should be given when working with the site "Aliexpress"?

Generally, the online store " Aliexpress»Your data from the passport is not needed. The store was created in China, engaged in sales of various goods - your personal information does not say about them, since in any case the product you will receive after lists the cash.

But information about you will be needed in the following cases. For example, when you pay for goods using electronic wallets. That is, when working with e-wallets, you will have to specify passport data when it is necessary, wherever you have purchased. When paying for bank cards to " Aliexpress»Passport You will not need.


How to fill out and where to enter the passport details on Aliexpress as in the computer and in Appendix AlExpress add passport details for customs

Also if you use the payment system " Alipay."Which belongs" Aliexpress"You will need to specify personal information for the reasons mentioned above. You can simply not use this resource if it somehow confuses you, although it is analogue, for example, a wallet " QIWI».

But most importantly, you will need to enter data from the passport if you are purchased by the goods in Aliexpress»Order delivery from China with commercial mail services. Moreover, even in this case, all your data will be needed not so much postal service as customs, because the parcel will pass customs control. In general, in this case everything is legally and legally.

Security when entering passport data on Aliexpress

It is worth indicating that on " Aliexpress»Buyers do not require passport data, while a person will no longer arrange its order and will not choose a way of delivery or payment. That is, for the client, an unexpected letter asking for such data may seem suspicious.


How to fill out and where to enter the passport details on Aliexpress as in the computer and in Appendix AlExpress add passport details for customs

But it is not worth worrying - why we need these data already indicated above. After you place and pay for the order for " Aliexpress"The process of sending the parcel to your address will begin. And in this case, you will need to specify the passport details for passing through customs.

Is it possible not to introduce your passport data when purchases on Aliexpress?

If you have been purchased on " Aliexpress"Chose the delivery method by private companies, but as a result, refused to provide passport data, you will not send the parcel. Then you have to open a dispute and return your money. You can also independently come to the customs office and provide your passport there, explaining the essence of your problem. But this will all be much more complicated, especially if you regularly carry out the purchase on " Aliexpress».

Where to specify and where to enter the passport details on "Aliexpress"?

You can specify your passport data in your " Personal Cabinet" on the " Aliexpress" In your office in the online store, you can go to the delivery addresses section and specify your data as shown in the screenshots:


How to fill out and where to enter the passport details on Aliexpress as in the computer and in Appendix AlExpress add passport details for customs


How to fill out and where to enter the passport details on Aliexpress as in the computer and in Appendix AlExpress add passport details for customs

After that, your email will come to your email with reference to confirm the information entered. You will follow the link, your mobile number will come to an SMS with the code that you enter into the appropriate field. Then it will be transferred to the commercial postal service website, and there you will need to enter your personal data.

Video: Frequent questions Aliexpress FAQ

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