How it is right, interesting and beautifully news "Instagram" Account: Ideas, Tips

Published by B. Instagram. / Useful advice / Social networks
9 Feb 2018.

The article will tell you how to successfully keep your account in "Instagram".

One of the best ways to conquer the attention of a large audience in the social network " Instagram."- to make a question of the beautiful design of your page. If the usual user in " Instagram.»An excess subscriber or another likeness does not take particularly anything, except for the possibility of a little chanting, then for those who want to promote their account, the beautiful and original account will be really good popularity.

Are you an artist and want to know you everywhere in the Internet? Or are you an ordinary blogger who wants to make money on his page in " Instagram."? Then you will not hurt to get acquainted with our article. Today we will give a few tips, as correct, beautiful and interesting to keep our account in " Instagram.«.

How it is right, beautiful and interesting to keep your account in "Instagram": tips, ideas?

First: do your account statistics

To begin with, we will not prevent small statistics. We would like to know what accounts are gaining great popularity, which are smaller. Some researchers have already conducted similar statistics, analyzing photos on topics, color, colorfulness and other parameters. What conclusions from this turned out?

  • It turns out that the photos that users give more brightness, type more likes, rather than other images in " Instagram.«.

Photos that users give more brightness, dial to a quarter more likes

  • Photos with the background are typing a little less than a third of the likes from the total number than without

Stock Foto Choose a little less than a third of the likes

  • Oddly enough, but the images with a predominance of blue are obtained on a quarter more likes than their competitors made in red.

Stock Foto Blue predominance get a quarter more likes

  • If you post a photo, which is distinguished by the predominance of one primary color, then it will bring you for seventeen percent more sympathies from the audience, rather than it would have happened in the case of multicolor images.

Photo with a predominance of one color give 17% likes

  • It turns out that less saturated photos are more like 18% than the photo with increased or medium saturation.

Less saturated photos are more like 18%

  • Images with the texture conquer about three quarters from the total amount of likes, and everything else goes to antagonists.

Photos with texture conquer three quarters from the total liks

This statistic is given only as familiarization, and there is no great need to fully navigate it. Perhaps over time, the tastes of users will change, besides there are popular bloggers who act perfectly according to other rules. It is impossible to say which picture should be considered universal. It may happen unexpectedly - you hang a photo from which you do not expect anything, but it suddenly becomes the most popular

But still the statistics given by us, to take into account. By the way, you can even analyze some of its items, for example, images with one tint. Why are such photos become popular? Perhaps when people look at such photos near their face, it does not prescribe on the brains and slightly pacifies. Or better gives focus. It is not always the case directly in beauty, sometimes there is a psychological factor or even a certain illusion of vision.

Second: Decide that you personally suits you more

Before laying out your creativity and look for popularity, first will correctly deal with your tastes. What do you like? It is best to work with images that are interested in you. Nice to combine work and pleasure.

View images of other users, perhaps you are already subscribed for someone. Remember to whom you put likes. Then evaluate this from the point of view of the statistics above. Do you like more black and white photos or non-ferrous? On the topic of nature or fashion? Examine this question, if it is still still a mystery for you.

You will not even prevent download all the photos you like and divide them on topics, in color, according to other characteristics. Also, be sure to observe whether your tastes coincide with most other users. Sometimes you can make concessions to the viewer, if it helps it better to promote the account in " Instagram.«.

Third: Schedule photos:

One of the main secrets of the success of bloggers in " Instagram."Is the ability to plan further actions. Make a lot of pictures at once and lay them out gradually for some time, for example, weeks. If you feel that images are successful, continue to post them. Otherwise, you can always stop.

Fourth: make out pictures in the same style

You must have your own style. Your brand must have awareness. If any user sees a photo in " Instagram.", It will be nice if he guess that this image is most likely created with your light hand. Use one filter or do not use at all. Also try to follow one topic.

Fifth: Do not post a photo that is not typical for your style.

To continue to the previous item we want to add that you do not need to lay out the photo if it does not fit into the overall picture of your content. Let even this photo seems to you cool, aesthetic. Revilly adhere to your style, your brand. The more professional you will act, the more people will be subscribed to you.

Video: "Instagram": How to successfully keep your account?


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