How to put an invisible gap in instagram?

Published by B. Instagram. / Social networks
3 Feb 2019.

Methods for creating paragraphs in the Instagram social network using an invisible space and standard mobile keyboard symbols.

Almost all "experienced" social network users Instagram. They know that a beautifully decorated page and posts published on it are the key to the successful promotion of the profile and expansion of the audience. To attract interest in its pages, many popular bloggers resort to a variety of tricks and tricks that help make their texts more neat and attractive. One of these tricks is the insertion of an invisible space and other hidden symbols into the text.

In our article, you will find comprehensive information about the invisible beam and other hidden symbols, and also learn how to use them on social network. Instagram..

Image 1. How to put an invisible space icon in Instagram: page markup.

Image 1. How to put an invisible space icon in Instagram: page markup.

What are invisible gaps in instagram need?

  • It so happened that the developers of the social network Instagram. It was not possible to add texts with marking. Therefore, when the user tries to write some note, instead of a beautiful broken part of the text, it turns out a solid "sheet" from the letters and symbols, which is extremely tedious to read.
  • However, light heads found a workaround and began to insert invisible gaps that are not displayed in the mobile version. InstagramBut help displays text to the center. In other words, these invisible gaps enable users to break the text on paragraphs and make it more "readable."
  • So any social network user Instagram.Who wants to have a beautiful page and bring new subscribers to it in order to increase popularity, should be able to properly use invisible gaps. If in your notes you will not use them, then, with a high probability, other users will no longer show you all interest.

How to put an invisible gap in instagram?

  • On the Internet you can find a lot of articles, which describes the process of creating a paragraph in the text by inserting several spaces at the beginning of the line. However, for some time, this method has ceased to function. As soon as you try to publish your post, the site editor will automatically erase all the gaps between special symbols and words. In the end, you still get a solid "sheet", heavy for perception.
  • However, there is a special "invisible" symbol that performs a double space function and allows us to bypass the limitations of the text editor of the social network. To do this, you will need to press and hold the button on the keyboard. Alt."And in parallel to enter a combination of numbers on an additional (digital) keyboard" 255».
Image 2. What is an additional (digital) keyboard?

Image 2. What is an additional (digital) keyboard?

  • As soon as you release the key " Alt."After entering a combination, an invisible gap will appear in that part of the text where the cursor was installed. You can use it to create paragraphs and empty lines, inserting several characters in a row.
  • Unfortunately, this method of creating an invisible gap is possible only from a computer. But, if you use a smartphone or tablet, you can copy it from other users and then insert into your text. An example of using an invisible space is presented in a symbol below.
Image 2. An example of text markup in instagram using an invisible gap symbol.

Image 3. Example of laying text in instagram using an invisible symbol of a space.

Use of other special characters for text markup in instagram

  • If you are trying to record in Instagram. From your smartphone or tablet and for some reason you cannot insert a copied space space, you can use other special characters for its markup.
  • Any mobile keyboard, regardless of the device model and its manufacturer, has a standard set of emoticons or, as they are also called, Emodezhi. With their help, you can visually post the text by highlighting it some areas with certain icons. Such visual marking is able to cause greater interest of users to your profile than the markup with an invisible space.
  • For example, to refer to the items of any list, many users Instagram. Resort to the use of various colorful icons, which are put at the beginning of each item. Since the set of standard emoticons is almost the same on all mobile devices, the social network editor is able to recognize them and display on devices of other users. Ultimately, you can get very interesting and neat text. You can see his example on the screenshot below.
Image 3. An example of text markup using standard emoticons, icons and other mobile keyboard characters.

Image 4. An example of text markup using standard emoticons, icons and other mobile keyboard characters.

  • Statistics indicate that the design of the text is such a non-standard way attracts a new audience at no worse than the design of text using spaces. Colorful icons perfectly focus on individual pieces of text and the need to insert invisible spaces disappears. However, you can make text with both ways at once. It will give him even greater accuracy and beauty.

Instagram gaps: Conclusion

  • Finally, it is worth saying that on the Internet you can find other ways to design text. For example, removing "extra" punctuation and symbols from it. However, if your goal is to promote your profile, then only one beautiful design will be little.
  • In addition to regularly published photos, their quality, visual design of posts and comments, an extremely important aspect, to attract attention to the profile, is a competent writing.
Image 5. Example of quality profile design in Instagram for business.

Image 5. Example of quality profile design in Instagram for business.

  • That is why our article describes only two effective ways of text markup, which will not only help create you a beautiful and unique content, but will not force you to neglect punctuation and force your subscribers to guess where the comma or point should be in the sentence. After all, texts from the series " It is impossible to pardon"Often repel the reader.

Video: How to put a secret gap in Instagram?

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