How to change the goods in M.Video? How to change in the online store M.Video Phone, laptop, iPhone?

Published by B. M Video
March 2, 2017.

In this article we will talk how to change the laptop, iPhone, the phone in the store M.Video.

M..Video is an large network shops by selling domestic techniques and electronics. Relatively recently w. companies appeared own the Internetscore, where can acquire any product, not leaving of at home. let's discuss, as can exchange product, if a is he you not liked.

If a you n. once not committed shopping in dann the Internetstore, that recommended read article. «how right buy in the Internetstore M..Video.

Can lie change and change lie in the Internet store M..Video bought product on the other?

Exchange without problems M.Video

Exchange without problems M.Video

Score M..Video provides on the everything their products opportunity replace. Called this service «Exchange without problems«. According to her rules, you have right change purchase in flow 30 days, if a she is you not like it. let's we will understand conditions exchange more detail.

how change in the Internet store M..Video telephone, notebook, IPhone?

Exchange of goods M.Video

Exchange of goods M.Video

According to rules exchange M..Video, on the replacement product from proper quality w. buyer there is 30 days. it possibly for compliance row conditions:

  • Buyerphysical face
  • Saved cash receipt
  • W. product absent traces operating
  • Everything factory seals, for them presence, are located in room condition
  • If a purchase required installation, that she is not should be produced
  • Purchase saved fully original packaging
  • Everything accessories, expendable material, labels and documentation saved

Some products change it is impossible. TO takov relate:

  • Items for personal hygienesepilator, electric Shaver, machine for haircuts hair and so further
  • Household chemistry
  • Various wires and cables, which sold by metrazhu
  • Products, having disposable packaging, that was open
  • Dovenate product

The regulations touch all categories goodsphones, notebooks, IPhonov and so further.

how call consultant M..Video?

If a w. you it will arise questions, relating to return Iphone, phone, laptop and other product, that you always you can contact on the hot line to consultants store M..Video. To do this is can by free phones — (495) 7777775 (for Moscow) and 88002007775 (for others cities Russia), or write letter on the electricronic mail

Video: Exchange - No problem! M Video

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