How to change the password in "Instagram" from a computer, phone, via Facebook: instruction. How to change the password in "Instagram" through the phone number? I can not change the password in "Instagram": the reasons what to do?

Published by B. Instagram. / Useful advice / Social networks
17 Feb 2018.

The article will tell how to change the password in "Instagram" by different methods.

Social network users " Instagram."Sometimes you need a password change from your account. This can happen for various reasons, for example, the old password was too simple, and it is necessary to replace it with a more complex, inaccessible for hacking.

It is also worth saying that the password is best to periodically replace to increase security guarantees. And in this case it will be necessary to know how to change the password in " Instagram."Affordable ways: from the phone, computer, through" Facebook." We will talk about it in our review.

How to change the password in "Instagram" from a computer?

If you are more convenient to carry out such operations on your computer, then follow these instructions:

  • Go to your page " Instagram.", Log in and click on" Edit profile».

Click on "Edit Profile"

  • On the new page, go to the section " Change password".In the appropriate fields, enter the old and new passwords, enter the new password again, click on " Change profile" Here, in fact, all.

Change password

How to change the password in "instagram" from the phone?

The most common way to work with " Instagram."- Use the phone. If you want to change the password in " Instagram.»From the phone, then do the following:

  • Log in under your login and password in " Instagram."On then press in the upper right corner to three horizontal points.

In the upper right corner on three horizontal points

  • Once in the settings, find the subsection " Account"And there click on" Change Password»

Click on "Edit Password"

  • Now check the same operations that were described in the previous instruction, and after changing the password, press the top on the tick. After that, you can use a new password.

Click at the top on the tick

How to change the password in "Instagram" through the phone number?

Many users complain that they can't change the password in " Instagram." Perhaps this happens due to the fact that the password simply is lost / forgotten and change it through authorization in the account will not work. In this case, you can use the password recovery function via SMS:

  • Go to " Instagram."And on the Authorization page below click on" Help with the entrance»

Click on "Help with the entrance"

  • Next, the system will be offered to restore the password through the link or SMS. Select the second option (" Telephone»), Enter your number (to which your account is attached" Instagram.") Request SMS, as can be seen in the screenshot.

Enter your number (to which your Instagram account is attached) and request an SMS

  • Next, your number will come SMS with reference to the entrance to your account. On changing the password over the previous instructions.

How to change the password in "Instagram" through "Facebook"?

There is another way to change the password in " Instagram." - through " Facebook." This is possible if you previously tied your account " Instagram."To account" Facebook." To change the password thus do the following:

  • On the Authorization page, click on " Forgot your password?»

Click on "Forgot your password?"

  • Next click on " Change through Facebook.»

Click on "Change through Facebook"

  • Then enter the password and email from the account on the appropriate fields from the account on " Facebook.»

Enter the password and email from the Account to Facebook

  • If you receive a request to remember the browser, click on " Do not save»

Click on "Do not save"

  • Next, we see that our accounts with two social networks are connected with each other.

Related Accounts: "Instagram" and "Facebook"

  • As a result, enter a new password in each of the two fields and click on " Change password»

Change password

Video: How to change the password in "Instagram"?

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