How to use Apple Music? How to open lyrics in Apple Music?

Published by B. iOS.
21 Oct 2016.

The new Apple Music service for iPhone has pleased many users of these gadgets. In this article we will analyze how to see the lyrics in this application.

Service from companies Apple. not remained without attention among million users. AND not skunk. Apple. Music. possessed samoa large base music, can communicate from singers, but also enjoy interesting selection, which created experts. To begin use service pretty easily.

Apple. Music. presents by himself system by streaming broadcast from Apple., in which contains more 30 million self different trekov different genres. it so, what if a you let's start use service, that will be able to listen any track of selection or albums, where there is this song. Restrictions for it is w. you not will beyou find necessary song, press on the her reproduction and enjoy music.

To to begin using, run in upgraded attachment «Music« on the iOS. not less 8.4 and make some action.

Start use Apple. Music.

  • Launch attachment «Music«.
Running Apple Music

Running Apple Music

  • Go in section «For you« and choose «Free using on the 3 month«.
  • Choose, what subscription you want to issue. there is two type subscriptions: «Individual« cost 169 rubles, or «Family« from price in 269 rubles. Latest can enjoy 26 human at the same time.
Apple Music Subscription

Apple Music Subscription

  • Specify data for hold payments in account Apple. Id. For binding from cards spicy 1 ruble.
Apple ID payment information

Apple ID payment information

  • Further in «Music« specify their musical tastes. On the them base and will be collect content in section «For you«. Click one time by genru, you choose his in quality having liked. For double click system will understand, what such music you love. Well but rest remove of list. For of this click and hold name.
Selection of preferences in Apple Music

Selection of preferences in Apple Music

  • After completion choice click «Ready«.

Further you move on the tab «For you«, where uploads all of interest music. FROM of this moment you you can listen everything tracks of search or to choose «wave» by genru or mood.

Start use Apple. Music. in iTunes.

  • First perform update for necessity iTunes. before version 12.2. it done in «Help» — «Updates«
  • Now open program and find paragraph «For you«
Apple Music in iTunes

Apple Music in iTunes

  • Choose «Subscription on the Apple. Music.«, if a she is w. you yet not decorated on the mobile device
  • Choose rate
Apple Music Subscription in iTunes

Apple Music Subscription in iTunes

  • Specify data credit card in accounting entries Apple. Id
Enter payment data

Enter payment data

  • Make locking on the contrary favorites performers and genres
Choosing preferences

Choosing preferences

  • Choose «Ready« and start listening
Start using Apple Music on iTunes

Start using Apple Music on iTunes

how look text songs in Apple. Music.?

  • Turn on «Music« and launch listening track
  • Go in miniplayer
Apple Music Mini Player

Apple Music Mini Player

  • Click on the «Show« in section «The words«, to opened text track
Watch the words of the songs in Apple Music?

Watch the words songs in Apple Music

Opening text in separate window

  • Launch player
  • Choose dot, to opened menu
Extra menu

Extra menu

  • Choose «The words«
How to open the text of the APPLE MUSIC lyrics in a separate window?

How to open the text of the APPLE MUSIC lyrics in a separate window?

Open lyrics

Open lyrics

how open text in iTunes. through Apple. Music.?

  • Click right button on the song
  • Click «Intelligence«
Open lyrics in Apple Music through iTunes

Open lyrics in Apple Music through iTunes

  • Open tab «The words«
Apple Music in iTunes

Apple Music in iTunes

how can notice, despite on the extensive update Apple. Music. in iTunes., access to textam songs from computer more difficult, than on the Iphone or Ipade.

Video: Apple Music Overview

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