How to buy on Aliexpress: Step-by-step instructions. How to shop on Aliexpress with a discount?

Published by B. Useful advice
19 Oct 2016.

In this article we will talk how to make a purchase on Aliexpress And get a discount from the seller.

How to make purchases in the store AliexpressClients can see the directory on the site. In addition to the usual instruction, the video materials are indicated that clearly show how and what to do.

We will look at the rules for purchasing goods on the example of a memory card.

How to buy on alcoholpress?

How to buy on alcoholpress?

If you like the goods, and you are ready to buy it, then, first of all, pay your attention to the seller.

Seller's rating on AlikestPress

Seller's rating on AlikestPress

Seller's rating is based on positive feedback and quantity of goods sold. It is best to buy something from those sellers who have a rating of at least 80%. But, if the goods are rare, then you can trust and not so popular sellers.

Next, pay attention to customer feedback. Comments You can find at the bottom of the page. The more good reviews, the better. Large advantage will be the availability of feedback from Russian buyers.

Customer Reviews on Aliexpress

Customer Reviews on Aliexpress

Now go back to the top of the page and study the possible methods of delivery and how much it costs. Immediately you can see the estimated time when the goods will be delivered.

Free shipping to Russia

Free shipping to Russia

Next, view the rest of the page content. Special attention must be paid attention to the photos with the goods. If the signatures differ on them with the name of the seller, then perhaps it is a commander and the cost of the goods overproof. Either the quality will be very bad. By the way, no discoversion has a rating more than 80%.

When you finally decided on buying, select "Buy".

In order to go further, you need registration. For more about it and read here.

How to get a discount on Aliexpress?

Most often, buyers use coupons or promotionalists. It usually needs a lot of time for this, and you do not have to find something worthwhile.

Coupons for aliexpress

About the coupons are known to everyone, but there is few people who want to ask the seller's discount.

What to ask for a discount from the seller?

It is not necessary to hope that the price will be reduced twice. But 5-10 percent of the initial cost can be reset. How to understand what discount will you have?

If the goods you need already have buyers, then read the reviews about them. Of course, they do not affect the discount, but for how much others bought it, it is very real to learn.

Many sellers often host shares where they indicate the cost already with a discount. To find out for which the smallest cost a product was sold, look at the statistics.

Small sellers independently of the sales will not work in minus, so if it sells the goods for $ 50, but gave $ 40, then bargaining should start with this money.

If the item is found by search, then watch the Main Store Store page. Often, data on discounts are published in her hat. Typically, the seller prescribes the price of a common purchase, when the discount is reached.

Be sure to ask for a discount on Aliexpress, Look, whether there is exactly the same, but cheaper. Maybe you even will get the right product much cheaper without discount.

How do Discounts on Aliexpress?

How to get a discount on Aliexpress?

How to get a discount on Aliexpress?

If the buyer uses a promotion, then everything is clear. During the ordering, the coupon code is entered in the corresponding field and the purchase cost becomes less.

If the discount is provided by agreement, then a logical question appears - how to get it? In fact, here too, no difficulties should be.

For example, you picked up goods and you want to get a discount on him. What do you need for this? First of all, through the internal web chat consult seller.

It is necessary to write in English if you are not strong in it, then write a request and ride it through any online translator. By the way, most sellers are also far from strong in English.

How is the discount?

How are discounts on Aliexpress?

How are discounts on Aliexpress?

First, the goods are placed in the basket and the order is issued. The process is slow down on the moment of payment, since the discount is not yet formed and it makes no sense to pay. Now you need to contact the seller for reducing the cost. And only after the price is corrected, you can pay your order.

If suddenly the seller does not want to give you a discount or it is not enough for you, then you have two outputs. Or pay the order as it is, that is, without reducing the cost, or refuse it and find something else. The fact that you do not make payment no one will reproach you, since he will close after some time due to not paying. Data on this purchase will be in your customer account.

If you do not want this information to "hung" in your statistics, then try to negotiate with the seller even until the order is placed. If you do it in advance, then you will find out if it has a product in stock, and at the same time appreciate its goodwill and speed of feedback.

Video: How to buy on Aliexpress (Aliexpress) and receive a discount of 8.5% for any product!

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