How to flip a sheet in the Word horizontally, on the album? How to turn one page in the Word horizontally?

Published by B. Windows
10 Jun 2017.

An article on how to make a turn of the book page on the landscape in different versions of the Word.

Text files Word. have different directions of page orientation. Sometimes, you need to create an album with pictures, texts in the deployed form for the entire page. How to deploy a list of book sample to vertical, landscape position, we will tell below.


Files in Word Document

How in Word 2003 flip the page, sheet horizontally?

In mode "default" File sheets are put in a vertical position.
Scheme for version 2003:

  • we enter the menu "File"
  • choose a feature "Parameters"
  • on the page that opens "Field", find a line "Reference point" or "Orientation"
  • on the menu "Reference point" Choose the position of the page of the text, guided by options "Book" or "Labor"
  • press key "Okay", album leaf horizontal Directions Created

Options "File", "Parameters", "Orientation", choosing the "album" option

Fragment of the fragment of the text fragment, version 2003:

  • carry out actions similar to the previous one before the option "Labor"
  • select the option "Labor"
  • press key "Apply to the dedicated text"
  • press key "Okay"

Coupling in the horizontal position of the fragment of the text: the "landscape" options, the "Apply to the selected text" key, the "Okay" key

How in Word 2007, 2013, 2016 turn over page, sheet horizontally?


  • we find the option "Markups"
  • press the icon "Orientation"

Select the option "Page Markup", "Orientation", then "Landmark"

  • select the option "Labor"
  • the page is created in the album, horizontal version

Page coup diagram, version Word 2007, 2013, 2016 For a fragment of a sheet:

  • perform actions similar to the above procedures for version 2003
  • location of version settings key 2007, 2013, 2016, indicated in the figure below. The location is different from the version 2003
  • i exhibit the landscape fields
  • as a result, one sheet is album, the remaining sheets of the book option in the total file

Coup of sheet in horizontal position. Difference of the setup fields button between VORD 2003 and 2007, 2013, 2016

The equipment coup in horizontal position is not very much different, differs from each other for different versions. Word.

Video: How to put the landscape orientation of the page in Word 2003?

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