How to transfer contacts from the old phone to Windows Phone?

Published by B. Windows
6 Oct 2016.

Each person, buying a new phone, is thinking about the transfer of contacts. We will consider the situation on the example of purchasing Windows Phone.

For acquisition new smartphone always rises question about transfer data sO old. It and truth highly important, so as skilled time rooms phones for many really valuable and lose them not i wanted would be.

therefore in this article let's talk about transfer contacts sO old phone on the Windows Phone. Selected method, as rule, depends from places storage. Usually this is three option:

  • Simmap
  • Memory self phone
  • One or even some online services

Talk about each detail.

Transfer contacts from simcards

If a you earlier stranging everything contacts on the sIMIC, that stick her in new gadget and make import data. how rule, this is implemented alone after detection telephone simcards, but you you can perform operation manually.

Import contacts with SIM card on Winfows Phone

Import contacts with SIM card on Windows Phone

  • On the the main thing screen or in general list program find «Contacts«
  • Down below opens window, where we need click on the icon from three points and press on the «Settings«
  • Choose «Import contacts« and perform instructions assistant

Transfer contacts of memory phone

If a some of rooms saved on the self device, that for of this there is special program, importing data from help Bluetooth. It so and called «Broadcast data« and included in basic applications most models. Or her can download separately here.

Data Transfer application for Windows Phone

Application "Data Transfer" for Windows Phone

Data Transfer Download for Windows Phone

"Data transfer" download for Windows Phone

it one of self fast and comfortable methods copy Windows Phone. Thanks smart assistant you think everything contacts and messages on the map memory and back.

Transfer contacts of cloud repository

Most. popular case is an tOT, when everything contacts saved in one of clouds, to example, Gmail., Outlook. or Facebook.. IN this situation you task will be synchronization relevant service from yours Windows Phone.


Transferring contacts via cloud storage Windows Phone


How to transfer contacts on Windows Phone?

  • Choose tile «Contacts«
  • Down below display click by three points and choose section «Settings«
  • Omit down until not find «Accounting entries«
  • Choose «Addition services« and click by used you service
  • IN next window enter data for input

Through some time everything necessary data synchronized and appear in phone.

Video: Windows Phone - How to Import Contacts? Instruction

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