How to learn a computer, laptop from scratch yourself for beginners: Instructions for teapots, beginners, pensioners. How to start an independent study of a computer, laptop?

Published by B. Useful advice
21 Jan 2018.

The article will tell you what is a computer and how to use it.

Nowadays, you can use a computer and laptop a huge number of people. But people are not born with these skills, everything ever starts from scratch.

Newcomers are interested in how to master the computer and a laptop from scratch? How to start an independent study of a computer / laptop? Let's talk about it in our review.

What is the difference between a computer from a laptop?

Practically nothing. The main difference between the computer and the laptop is mobility. If the computer is a stationary device, the laptop is a mobile device. That is, the computer needs to be installed on the table and use it hereinafter, and the laptop can be loose with you, for which it is intended.

And a computer, and a laptop consist of keyboard, monitor, mouse, processor, RAM, etc. Only at the computer, all of these components are connected to each other, while the laptop is like a single monolithic device.

And on the computer, and the operating system is installed on the laptop, for example, " Windows"(Most common) or" Linux." If you master, let's say, you can already work on a laptop without difficulty and vice versa. Therefore, in this review, we will not give two instructions, and let's talk about how to use the computer.

Let's start learning a computer from the operating system

The operating system is a kind of "soul" of the computer. This software that allows you to work on your computer. When you turn on the computer, the first duty starts to work exactly the operating system, we see it when the monitor lights up:


Let's start learning a computer from the operating system

If there was no operating system, we would see only a black screen and some incomprehensible letters with numbers, from whom we had no sense. Work on a computer is actually working with programs that, in general, make up the operating system.

See how the mouse cursor runs on the screen is the operation of the operating system. And text set? Photos? Video? Even the sounds from the speakers are possible only thanks to the operating system. In the last century, the music listened to the record on which the song was recorded. Now audio and video files are presented in digital format, that is, in the form of programs.

The operating system allows you to "liven up" the monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers and all devices that make up your computer together. Without it, the computer is only a "non-living" iron organism. Remember, the operating system is the soul of the computer.


In general, operating systems can be different. Some of them are very famous, others are not very common among ordinary ordinary users.

« Windows"Refers to the most common operating systems, which is characterized by its convenience and is excellent for use not only by specialists, but also simple people at home.

« Windows»It also happens different versions:" Windows 95.», « Windows 7.», « Windows XP.», « Windows 8.», « Windows 10." etc. The most common are seven, eight and a dozen. Once popular Windows XP."Officially considered obsolete, although it is already quite possible to work on it.

Distinguish the versions " Windows"Between yourself can be in appearance:


"Windows 7"


"Windows 7"


"Windows XP"

There is also another simple way to find out which version of the operating system is installed on your computer:

  • Click in the lower left corner on the button " Start»Left mouse button
  • Next, click in the open window to the item " A computer" (or " My computer») Right-click.
  • Then in the new opening window, press the left mouse button to the item " Properties»

We learn what operating system is installed on our computer

  • After that, the folder will open in which information will be specified on your operating system.

We learn what operating system is installed on our computer

So, we briefly studied what operating system is. Now proceed to the study of the computer itself.

We study the device PC


Composite parts of a computer

In order to learn to work on a computer, you first need to study its design. That is, you need to know which devices are part of such a concept as a "personal computer".

In principle, most people have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the components of the computer are called, but we will explain everything in more detail that the beginners it is easier to control these parts.

So, the computer consists of:

  • Internal parts - These are the elements from which the system unit consists (a large box with a power button). In principle, the system unit is a computer, as such. And everything else, for example, a mouse is just the components of this computer.
  • External parts - This is, in fact, the components of the computer, which we connect to the system side (keyboard, etc.).

In turn, all described parts of the computer can be classified based on their interaction with a person:

  • Information entry devices - These are devices that provide a person to give instructions to a computer (mouse, keyboard).
  • Information output devices - devices that transmit information from a computer to a person (monitor, speakers).
  • I / O devices / conclusions - This, accordingly, those devices that combine the concepts described above (drive).

Now let's talk about the main devices, without which the work on the computer will be impossible.

System unit


What does the system block look like?

So, the system unit is the brain of the computer. To understand why the system unit is such an important component of the PC, it is necessary to simply explore what is in him inside.

Inside the system unit there is a motherboard - this is a kind of huge chip, in which, actually, absolutely all computer elements are embedded: processor, RAM, video card, sound card, drive, and all connectors (to which monitor, keyboard, mouse , Network cable and everything else).

You can also connect a Wi-Fi device, and TV tuner, and gaming consoles to the system unit. This is the case of taste and needs. When buying, you ourselves order which computer you need: for games, to view a video or just to access the Internet. Based on this, a system unit is collected with all its components.

On the system unit there are at least two buttons: Enable a computer and reboot:


Enable button on the system unit

Under the system unit, all other important parts of the PC are already selected, such as a monitor, mouse, keyboard and columns. That is, when buying a computer, you need to start with the system unit, and then select everything else to it. By the way, you can freely change the monitor or keyboard if they failed or ceased to meet your requirements. But with a laptop, such a number will not pass.



Computer monitor

Everyone knows what a TV is. All looked around. A computer monitor is not quite a TV, but it performs the same function, that is, the function of outputting information on the screen. If, in the case of a TV, such information is transmitted through an antenna or a television cable (analog signal), the information is transmitted to the computer monitor from the system unit. More precisely, the signal comes from the video card, which is located in the system unit, which we learned above.

Monitors have different sizes, which is determined, for example, a long diagonal of the screen and is measured in inches. The quality of the picture does not depend on the size of the screen. The image quality is responsible for the quality of the screen as the screen resolution. That is, the number of pixels (electronic points) per square inch. From these points on the screen and consists of an image. Accordingly, the more points (more screen resolution) the better, more clearer and more like a picture.




Just like the monitor, the columns receive a signal with information from the system unit, but only output it is not as an image, but in the form of sound. This signal is transmitted from the system unit due to the sound card.

Computer columns differ from conventional classic speakers in that there is also an audio amplifier inside them. The sound card transmits only an analog signal (for example, as a player), and then the signal, as usual, is processed in the amplifier and goes on the speakers. Computer columns have a cord with a socket precisely because to connect an audio amplifier to the network (and not speakers).



Computer keyboard

Above, we discussed information output devices, now let's talk about input devices and start with the keyboard.

Everyone knows that the keyboard is designed to print the text that we are then (or rather not "later", and immediately) we observe on the screen. The keyboard, respectively, has all the desired keys with letters, numbers and other symbols.

There are keys here, thanks to which we can give a computer specific commands. For example, if we click on the key " Caps Lock.", It will give us the opportunity to print the text with capital letters, well, or begin the word (name, name) with a capital letter. Pressing the keys on which the arrows are depicted, we can twist the page (on the Internet, or in any computer folder) up or down.


This name computer mouse received for the reason that it resembles a live mouse a bit, that is, it has a calf and tail (cord):


PC mouse

The computer mouse is designed mainly in order for us to move the cursor with the greatest comfort on the monitor screen. If we used exclusively the keyboard, it would give us unnecessary trouble and took a lot of time.

The standard mouse has two buttons (left and right) and wheels. The left button provides as if basic actions when we, for example, bring the mouse cursor to the folder and open it by clicking on this button. In the same way, we close the windows and programs - we bring the cursor to the cross icon and click on the left button.

The right button is responsible for additional actions, for example, opens the menu or optional windows. The wheel allows you to scroll up the page down, as is done in the case of the appropriate keys on the keyboard.

Video: How to master the computer and laptop quickly and easily?

Video: What does a laptop consist of?


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  • explore the laptop from scratch

  • i want to explore the laptop blur

  • I want to learn how to use a laptop from scratch!

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