How to free up, unload RAM Windows 7 Computer: Step-by-step instructions

Published by B. Microsoft Office. / Windows / Mobile Internet / Useful advice
December 7, 2017.

If your computer "slows down" while working, clean the RAM. How to do this, read in the article.

Return memory on the computer needs to be cleaned, otherwise the PC begins to work too slowly - to "slow down" and "bug". On each computer there is a RAM cache. It stores many unnecessary information on the use of applications, which when starting and does not give OS normally function. In this article, you will read how to clear the RAM in Windows 7 using the built-in OS or Special Programs features.

How to free up, unload RAM Windows 7 Computer: Step-by-step instructions

Any OS provides the use of basic functional features to clean the memory of the PC. Below is a step-by-step instruction that allows you to quickly and easily release, unload the Windows 7 computer's operational memory.

RAM memory performance diagnostics

  • Click simultaneously buttons "Win" and "R".
  • A tab will appear in which you want to write "MDSCHED" without quotes. This feature tested and show the result.
  • Click "Okay".
Click Okay

Click Okay

Then the page on which you need to choose "Run a reboot". When the system restarts, it will be tested on the program installed in the default OS.

Testing is performed

Testing is performed

You can configure another check - basic, usual or extensive.

  • To do this click on the key "F1".
  • To go from the option to the option, click "TAB" With two arrows.
  • You can activate the setting by clicking on "F10".
  • When everything is completed, close the window by clicking on "ESC". Wait until the check is over.
  • If there is damage, remove them, and also clean the memory, removing the information left by different applications. Run it just with any cleaning program - read below.

RAM manual unloading

Select an unnecessary application and click on

Select an unnecessary application and click on "Complete Process"

  • Click on buttons "Ctrl", SHIFT and "ESC" (At the same time).
  • A tab will appear in which click on the section "Process". Check out which technological computer procedure "eats" a lot of memory. If you see foreign applications, disconnect them, as it may be viruses and other similar SPM programs that want to get information from the OS.
  • To disable the startup process of an unnecessary or suspicious application, right-click on the row with the process name. Then click on "Completion of the process".
  • Click the tab with the task window and press the button simultaneously "Win" and "R".
  • The window will then appear "Run". Write in line "Open" —  msconfig.
  • Click "Okay".
  • After that click on the section "Autoload". Fold all the marks near the applications that are not used or are used not often. Then they can be activated from the desktop or using the button "Start".
  • Now select "Apply" and "Okay"and restart the PC.

Tip: As you can see, free up the memory on a PC or laptop is simple. Always, after each process, reboot the system, otherwise all actions will be practiced.

Cleaning memory can be performed using special utilities. For instance, "CCleaner".

CCleaner program

CCleaner program

  • Such a program will do everything correctly and perfectly cleaned the memory of the PC. In this case, there will be no violations in the operation of the OS.
  • CCleaner Clears the system partition directory (disk C).
  • Run the program, click on "Cleaning Mode".
  • Select command configuration: "Clean & Shutdown" - clean and turn off, "Reboot" - Clear and restart, "Close" - Closing the program.

Download this program you can under this reference from the official site of developers. Click on "Free trial". When the program is downloaded, you can immediately clean RAM with its help.

Video: How to free up the operational memory of the Windows 7 computer

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