How to carry out delivery with an aliecpress: methods and types of delivery. What shipment is better to choose to Aliexpress: paid or free? Options for the best deliveries to Aliexpress with links to tracking and delivery time: list

Published by B. Aliexpress
Aug 11, 2017.

Delivery methods on Aliexpress, Delivery reliability.

What is the main thing for the buyer? Quality delivery of goods, which provides a popular store Aliexpress!


Free shipping from Aliexpress in 90% of orders!

Actions to order delivery:

  • log in Aliexpress Store website for this reference
  • select product
  • checkout
  • specify delivery method
  • buy goods

How to issue a product and register with Aliexpress We have described in our article here.

In this article, let's stop in detail on delivery issues, delivery types, design, reliability.

Delivery types of Aliexpress

  • local (delivery of goods from warehouse space located in the country's regions)
  • free (postal delivery)
  • free shipping, starting with a specific amount of goods
  • paid delivery

Free shipping to Aliexpress

On each page of the product is indicated paid or free shipping, a specific product is carried out or there is a choice of delivery.

To choose goods only with free shippingUse search filters in the directory. In the photo below the filter is circled with a red circle.

How to choose free shipping to Aliexpress?

How to choose free shipping to Aliexpress?

Companies delivering goods:

The most common delivery option through the territory of Russia is Aliexpress Standard Shipping (standard delivery from Aliexpress).


Standard delivery from Aliexpress

Free shipping with aliexpress from a specific amount

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis type of delivery lies in a fixed initial amount for the purchase at which delivery is carried out. Less order amount The goods are not shipped, more than the amount of the amount for the goods are subject to surcharge.

Surcharge is carried out in stock store Aliexpress.
If you still have to make an order for the amount, more than that in which the delivery is free, the seller will send a message to your phone number to your telephone number.
If you refuse to buy, the goods will not be delivered, the money is subject to return.

Free shipping with Aliexpress by country specified in the purchase page

Almost in 90% of the case, delivery passes using postal organizations:

Paid delivery to Aliexpress and their tracking

This kind of delivery is performed by courier companies of international rank:

  • TNT. - Popular courier company in Europe
  • EMS. - Postal Fast Delivery with Democratic Tariffs
  • UPS. - Courier company of America for fast transportation of goods
  • FedEx. - American company working with cargo transportation goods worldwide
  • DHL - Russian cargo transportation company serving 850 Gogrods of the Russian Federation
  • S.F. Express - Fast shipments from China, Hong Kong, Thailand

How to place an order for aliexpress with delivery?


Main page Aliexpress

  • choose goods
  • fill the registration card, entering your personal data, the phone number is chosen the shipping address

Fill out the registration card, entering personal data, phone number and so on

  • choose a payment method
  • select delivery method

Choosing a shipping method, such as "free shipping"

  • press key "Buy now"

Traveling for traveling an order on Aliexpress

  • open Personal Cabinet on Aliexpress
  • make an order
  • get the order number
  • get notifications to your phone or email. Mail that the goods began transporting (2-3 days after order)
  • view the "My Orders" page, where the order number is specified, the order movement stages (order status)

Browse a personal account page where the order number is specified, the order movement step (order status)

Delivery time with Aliexpress

Standard delivery time on Aliexpress range from 15 to 50 days, depending on your location relative to the nearest store's warehouse. If you do not correctly indicate personal data, namely, the address, delivery can linger, what will notify the store support service.

The most reliable delivery, Russian Post!
We told you about delivery options on Aliexpress, reminded how to place an order with delivery.
Do not doubt your choice will be the best!

Video: How to place an order for Aliexpress?

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