How to Determine Sound Sounds on PC, Android, IOS: Services and Songs Signs

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Smartphones
Oct 8 2016.

In this article we will talk about what services you can recognize this or that song.

Often there are cases when you heard some excerpt of the music track on the radio, in the club, restaurant, etc. But at the same time you do not know who is the performer of this particular musical track.

Of course, we want to refress you by the fact that the Android platform, namely, the popular Play Market service has a huge number of applications and services that allow for what excerpt of the song, to determine its performer.

Therefore, as you understood today, we will look at the most relevant and effective applications and services that allow you to find out which music plays at the moment.


How can I define a musical track on Android and iOS platforms?

Thanks to mobile devices, we have a huge number of features that allow us not only to talk on the phone, but also find certain music playing near you.

It is worth notingThat for Android and IOS platforms there are quite a few effective, and just excellent applications that allow them to find out the performer and the name of the playing track.

Well, let's go directly to the applications yourself.


Excellent service, with a multimycle base of performers and composers of foreign pop. This service allows you to determine a particular song without much difficulty.

  • To do this, click on the yellow button "Soundhound"which is on the main screen when starting the program.


  • Then the process of listening directly to the track itself will begin, and after which the recognition process, but in the end you will receive the result that the author will include, the name of the track, the album and the release date.


Disadvantage This service is only the absence of domestic tracks in the database, as a result, the service does not recognize Russian tracks.

Take advantage of this service - you can official site or downloading the application with Play Market. on the gadget.


Convenient and excellent service that is constantly competing with the Soundhound service.

At the same time, I would like to note that the SHAZAM and Soundhound services have the same database, but still SHAZAM service, recognizes even the tracks of domestic performers, for which again the big plus.

  • The application is also not difficult to use the application, in order to launch the process of recognizing the playing track, you need to press one big button, which is located in the center of the screen, called "Click to recognize". At the same time, it is not possible to make mistakes in this application, even the best "Kealie".


  • After you click on this button, your phone, and more precisely, the SHAZAM service, the process of listening to the audio track will begin, and when the audition is over, you will be issued information about this track, including the author, album name and song title.


It is worth notingthat the service still has its own holes, that is, its base can not yet guarantee 100% recognition of one or another track.

Advantage The SHAZAM service from the previous one, is that it is much faster recognizes the losing track.

Take advantage of this service - you can official site or downloading the application with Play Market. on the gadget.

Excellent site that allows you to recognize an excerpt of the online song. By the way, in contrast to the same Shazam or Soundhound, the Midomi service has a greater database, which certainly increases the chances of the success of the search for a particular work.

  • Use the service to find a song is not difficult, for this you only need to go to the official website, and after clicking on the button "Click and Sing or Hum". At the same time, the service will ask access and permission to listen to your microphone, in the pop-up window you need to click on the item "Allow"and then click on the button "Close".


  • After that, if you are lucky, you will see the title of the track, which was looking for.


Take advantage of this service - you can official Site.

How can I define a musical track on a PC?

It should be emphasized that the services for the recognition of the tracks on the PC are pretty much. Therefore, if you do not have a smartphone to find a different song, then you can do it on your computer.

To do this, we selected the most popular and relevant services that will easily learn a playing song.



Excellent service that allows you to define a song online. In this case, this service requires only an excerpt of the work of 15 seconds, but of course it works online, which is undoubtedly convenient.

This service allows you to recognize the side of the song or by downloading mp3, or through a direct link to the passage itself of this song.


Take advantage of this service - you can official Site.

Magic mp3 tagger


A very interesting program that has a huge database of performers, authors and composers of foreign music tracks.

Wherein it is worth emphasizingthat the service works on the largest bases, that is, if its base has not gave successful results, then the search will already take place on other bases.

One of the largest bases that this program uses is the database. MusicBrainz.having a huge collection of musical tracks, and at the same time absolutely free.

The algorithm of the action of this program is that it requires not the entire file with the music, and it only needs its castlers, according to which the track itself will be selected. Therefore, it is worth understanding that this method allows you to identify a song with an accuracy of 97%.


So, today we disassemble the most relevant and popular services to recognize the music tracks, which you heard in the hour, became interested and decided to find it. Therefore, we hope that these services are able to fulfill all your tasks for the search for music tracks.

Take advantage of this service - you can official Site, just downloading the program.

We wish good luck in search!

Video: Music Recognition Online

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