How to exacerbate the dispute on Aliexpress in mobile?

Published by B. Useful advice
25 Sep 2016.

The article describes how to exacerbate the dispute on " Aliexpress.».

It happens that when buying a product in the online store " Aliexpress.»You cannot agree with any seller, in this case you have the opportunity to exacerbate the dispute, attracting the administration of this site to it. Let's discuss it in the current review.

How to exacerbate the dispute on "Aliexpress"?

To exacerbate the dispute on " Aliexpress.»The following instruction should be followed:

  • After 3 days from the date of opening of the dispute, the buyer can contact " Aliexpress."To solve this issue. To do this, the buyer needs to be logged in on the site " Aliexpress."And on its main page, click on the item" My Orders "(at the top of the site).
  • After that, a list of all customer orders performed at the current time should be opened. You need to find a disputed order and on the right of it among other options to find " Make a complaint"(In the English version -" Escalate Dispute.") And click on it (hereinafter all actions will be indicated on the screenshots).

How to exacerbate the dispute on Aliexpress in mobile?

  • Then in the window that appears, click again on the button " Escalate Dispute."To confirm your actions. After that, the complaint will be sent to employees " Aliexpress."Dealing directly by these issues.

How to exacerbate the dispute on Aliexpress in mobile?

Next will need to choose one of the three actions:

  • Go to " Center Complaints»
  • Go to the controversial order page and click on " Complaint Center.» (« Center Complaints»)

How to exacerbate the dispute on Aliexpress in mobile?

  • Go on the website " Alibaba."And click on" Help"And then on" Make a complaint"(Recommended by users who own English), or compile the text of complaints with an online translator.

After the complaint is sent to employees " Aliexpress.", The buyer will be proposed a number of measures that could solve his problem. To communicate with the online store employees, you can click on "Reply now" (see in the screenshot window to communicate with the site administration).


How to exacerbate the dispute on Aliexpress in mobile?

In the case where the seller and the buyer solved the problem among themselves, the request for aggravation of the dispute should be canceled (see in the screenshot)


How to exacerbate the dispute on Aliexpress in mobile?

ATTENTION: when canceling the exacerbation of the dispute on " Aliexpress."This issue will be closed automatically, and the funds are listed in the seller. The refund is not meant.

How should the complaint be submitted in the Aliexpress online store?

When filing a complaint to employees " Aliexpress.»Buyer must specify all the data on the disputed order (as well as in the delivery method and so on). If such information is not provided during the week, then the dispute will be closed, and the cash will move on the seller.

The seller, in turn, has the right to send a response to his defense. In his case, it is also necessary to provide the necessary data, anything confirming its rightness. Based on the information provided on both sides - the Seller / Buyer - the administration of the online store " Aliexpress."Decides its solution in a short time in one way or another. At the same time, any response of the administration is considered final and not subject to revision.

The buyer can return the money partially, if he agrees with the seller, and with satisfactory answer the buyer can leave the goods.

With full refund, the buyer will be obliged to return the goods, while paying its delivery.

Video: aggravation of the dispute to Aliexpress

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