How to configure Wi-Fi router 4G from Tele2? TELE2 Router 4G: Instruction

The article will tell you how to set up a 4G router from the tele2.

Not much time has passed since the maximum standard speed was 474 kbps In zone 2G.And at the same time this speed seemed incredibly fast.

But since in the yard XXI Century and technology do not stand still, but go ahead, now the coverage of the zone 4G., and fast speed is at the moment it is considered more 100 Mbps, That is 12.5 MB / s, That is, a movie in size in 1 GB, which is downloaded for you in 1 minute 20 seconds.

The 4G network for today is available in all major cities, the only one, where the 4G network does not work yet, or badly catches it is outside the city, but in principle there is a 3G network, which will ensure the speed of your Internet up to 3.6 Mbps. from.

4G network

4G network

Mobile Internet is very convenient when performing frequent business trips, trips to other regions, as well as round-the-world travels, and if your smartphone also supports 4G network, then it is generally great.

The tele2 operator offers a huge amount of features and advantages over other operators, it also concerns the quality of communication, but if it comes to the scale of the body coating zone2, then it is clearly inferior to the Golden Troika.

How to set up a 4G router from tele2?

How to set up a router?

How to set up a router?

The router itself can also be called as a modem that has the support of the basic 4G network from the tele2, but at the same time, the manufacturer of these devices is ZTE, which actually presented it.

Of course, it is not worth thinking that the router only supports 4G, it can work on a 3G network and 2G. A model that supports the 4G network has acquired a compactness compared to a 3G modem, in connection with which it does not have a battery, and its work is carried out by power through the USB cable from the computer.

In addition, it is worth being attentive and vigilant when buying, since all modems from tele2 cellular communication are not able to distribute Wi-Fi, but if you have a laptop, then this problem can be said solved.

What advantages have a modem from tele2?

  • Wide range of supported frequencies, such as 2G, 3G UMTS and 4G LTE
  • Incredibly fast data flow rate, which reaches 100 Mbps
  • Comfortable and convenient functionality
  • Lack of failures
  • Easy and simple setting that takes about 5 minutes
  • Small, elegant and compact router can be placed even in a pocket

What disadvantages have a modem from tele2?

  • There is no possibility to create a Wi-Fi access point, but as written above, the problem is solved
  • Constant carrying a router with me, due to the lack of batteries in it

How to set up 4G modem from tele2?

As already mentioned, the 4G modem setting is very simple, and does not require any knowledge, everything is quite primitive.

router-Tele2-SMENA-SETI (1)

To start configuring the modem, follow these instructions:

  • First, connect the modem to the computer via USB cord and wait for the installation of software and the required drivers
Setting up router 4G.

Setting up router 4G.

  • If the installation did not start automatically after 2-3 minutes, then go to "My computer" and run the application under the name "Autorun.exe"
  • After installing the installation, you can run the program
Setting up router 4G.

Setting up router 4G.

  • Now, after connecting to the network and subsequent Internet access, you will receive an informational message about it.

IMPORTANT! The default modem is configured so that if there is no coverage area 4G in a specific area, it will automatically go to the 3G network, and continue to work, and the absence of 3G will allow it to work on the 2G network.

Reviews from users router tele2

Dmitry writes: Only recently learned about such a favorable thing as a router, and if you still consider my family, which consists of 5 people, and everyone has a gadget with the possibility of accessing the Internet, so it comes to me at all as the oil flew. I did not observe problems with the connection, there are always enough speed, of course in the afternoon it is weaker than at night, but still I do not regret what I bought it.

Alexey writes: Excellent thing with such opportunities, but with such compactness, by the way, by purchasing this router, I noticed a huge savings on the Internet traffic, and the opportunity to share the Internet with friends, too, as an option.

Marina writes: We often have problems with the Internet at work, also a WiFi modem is far away, because of what I am constantly tormented, so now all the torment in the past and speed is enough in full growth!

In custody I would like to markWhat to buy a 4G modem, it is worth it to be meaningful and know in advance if in your area, the coverage area is 4G, and only after that a deliberate step.

Video: How does 4G router work?

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