How to set up MMS on android?

Published by B. Android / Useful advice
15 Sep 2016.

The article tells how to configure MMC to the Android operating system.

The ability to send MMS from certain mobile devices is no longer any special technical service provided for big money. MMS can be sent with the same simplicity as SMS, but for this, of course, your gadget must be configured accordingly. In this review, we will discuss how to configure a mobile device running the operating system " Android"To send MMS messages.


How to set up MMS on android?

How to set up a gadget running "Android" to send MMS?

To begin with, we understand which methods we have to send MMS on " Android”:

  1. Automatic setting
  2. Setup using a call by a specialist
  3. Manual setting
  4. Configure using a computer and internet

I would like to add that the need itself is to adjust MMS on " Android", As a rule, arises in the following cases:

  1. Factory settings were reset
  2. A new gadget was bought

How to set up a gadget running "Android" to send MMS using automatic settings?

The simplest method of setting MMS on " Android"Is, of course, automatic configuration. That is, in this case, we need to make a minimum of actions, the rest will make the system " Android"Alone. But this method of settings is valid for the first time, when your gadget is registered in a network of any mobile operator.


How to set up MMS on android?

It is necessary to take such steps:

  1. Install the SIM card in the gadget
  2. Turn on the gadget (if you need a PIN code, then enter it), wait until the registration process passes, and the SMS will be sent to your mobile device.
  3. After receiving the settings to your gadget, you will need to accept them and save. After rebooting the gadget, your mobile device running " Android"Will ready to work with MMS

How to set up a gadget running "Android" to send MMS using a call to a specialist?

You can seek help from a specialist for MMS settings on your gadget every time you need. True, you will have to take more actions than in the previous method.

To configure MMS on " Android"With a specialist, you need to call your mobile operator:

  • « Megaphone"- on the number 0550
  • « MTS"- on the number 8900
  • « Beeline"- on the number 0611
  • « Tele 2"- on the number 611

After the call, we will get into the voice menu (concerns all mobile operators) and we will follow the instructions of the answering machine. Then they will be contacted by the specialist of the company chosen by us, which must be read out for their passport details for identifying our person. After that, the specialist send us to the phone tincture. Next, you should do, as in the past case - to accept and save the settings, as well as restart the gadget. In some cases, you will need to call the specialist again and ask it to activate the settings on your SIM card.

How to set up a gadget running "Android" to send MMS manually?

If you have purchased your gadget for a long time, and you can also call the specialist, then you need to set up MMS on " Android"Manually.

For it you need:

  1. Go to the Gadget menu
  2. Next, go to " Settings»
  3. Then go to the item " Network" or " Yet"Depending on the gadget model
  4. Next you need to click on " Mobile networks»
  5. Go to " Access points"And choose" Mobile data»
  6. Next choose " Internet access points"And click on" New access point»

Then you should enter certain data that may differ for each mobile operator. Below in the table indicates which data should be entered in each case:

« MTS» « Megaphone» « Beeline» « Tele 2»
Name Megafon.
Login mTS. beeline.
Password mTS. beeline.
APN. Depending on the tariff
Type APN. mMS. mMS. mMS. mMS.
MMSC. http: // mmsc http: // MMS: 8002 http: // MMS /
Port MMS. 8080 (9201 - for some gadgets) 8080 8080 8080 (9201 - for some gadgets)
IP address

Enter the specified data, save the settings and reboot the gadget. Now your mobile device on " Android"Ready to work with MMS.

How to configure a gadget running "Android" to send MMS using a computer and internet?

If you do not want to dig in the phone, then set up MMS on " Android"Perhaps using a computer connected to the Internet. To do this, we need to go to the site of your mobile operator and select the appropriate section.

Next, you will need to enter the model of your gadget, as well as your phone number. After that, you will come to the phone with the settings. We accept them, we save, reboot the gadget and use the MMS function.

In this review, we outlined all possible ways to set up MMS on your gadget running. " Android". If the listed methods do not act, then you did something wrong.

Video: Internet and MMS Settings for Android phones

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