How to write a continuation of the table on the next page in the Word? How to insert the name of the continuation of the table in the Word? How to make an inscription continue over the table in the Word?

Published by B. Microsoft Office. / Useful advice
18 Feb 2018.

The article will tell both in the "Word" to do the continuation of the table and the inscription above it.

Program " Word."It is useful in that it has the opportunity not only to type the text, but also work with the tables. Users often are interested in the part of the editing of the tables in " Word."Since the text usually occurs not so many problems. Therefore, below we will discuss these questions.

In this review we will talk about how in the program " Word 2007/2010/2013/2012/2003»Make a continuation of the table on the next page, how to insert the name of the continuation of the table (make an inscription continue over the table).

How to "Word" do the continuation of the table on the new page and how to print an inscription on the continuation of the table?

As you know, in the editor " Word.»There is an opportunity to make tables, as well as increase them if necessary. Moreover, you can enlarge the table in two ways. In the first case, we simply add new cells, columns or strings. This is a simpler question.

A little more complicated to divide the table into several parts interconnected. That is, continue one table on another page and note this so that no confusion arose. How to do it?

And we will do it as follows. Suppose we have a table that essentially should be located on two or more sheets, as it is inappropriate will be reduced to it and reduce it in size. Our task is to note the inscription of the form " Table continuation"(Or any inscription, which clearly indicates that on the current page we see the continuation of the previous table) at the beginning of the second page.

So do the following:

  • We pay attention to the table displayed on the first page of our document. Here we need to insert the mouse cursor to the cell located in the last column and the last line (in our case it is a string № 6) Our table. In the screenshot, it is indicated by a red arrow, you still do not pay attention to the next page.
We make the continuation of the table on a new sheet and mark the inscription on the continuation of the table in Word

Insert the cursor of the mouse into the cell located in the last column and the last row

  • Now press two keys simultaneously: " Ctrl"And" ENTER" So we made the table break.
  • After this gap line № 6 Pucks up the next table. Now we see that the previous table ends on the fifth line, and the next one, respectively, begins with the sixth.
How to

The previous table ends on the fifth line, and the next one, respectively, begins with the sixth.

  • Next, we will need to additionally note that the table on the second page is a continuation of the first. Here you should specify one rule. When you will check all the above operations, the text of the form " Table continuation"You need to start typing under the first table on the first page, as a result, this text will automatically move to the second page above the second table. Do not forget it.
How to

Text of the "Continuing Table" type you need to start typing under the first table on the first page

Video: How to make a continuation of the table in "Word"?

Video: How to insert the name of the table in "Word"?


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