How to extend traffic on biline? How to enlarge, add traffic on biline: the service "Provided the speed"

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
30 Aug 2016.

The article describes how to increase traffic on "biline".

All known operators providing mobile communications cannot give their customers a truly unlimited Internet. The same applies to the operator " Beeline"Which allows subscribers only to connect to batch tariffs and services, such as a line" Everything"Or a ruler" Highway." But even in this case, Internet traffic with unlimited use can quickly end at an inappropriate moment.

How to enroll in such a situation? Is it possible to " Bilyine»Profitable to extend traffic? Mobile operator " Beeline»Offers additional traffic within the following packages:

  • « Provided the speed of 1 GB»
  • « Provided the speed of 4 GB»

Attention: all information on the service " Provided speed"Refers to Moscow and the Moscow region. Rates and tariffing for other regions may differ somewhat from the above.

By the title of these services, it is already clear that after the expiration of the main traffic on " Bilyine»We can extend it with additional packages per one or three gigabytes. As soon as we activate one of these packages, the Internet speed will increase to the maximum (when additional traffic is completed, the speed drops to 64 kb / s) and will work as usual. In addition, every time additional traffic will end, we can also buy new specified gigabytes.

Packages " Provided the speed of 1 GB"And" Provided the speed of 4 GB»All subscribers are provided Biline»With connected services from the line" Everything" or " Highway." If necessary, add Internet traffic, if the main traffic is over, you can buy these packages - their cost is relatively not large, the speed of the Internet will rise to the original, and other more advantageous offers from " Biline" We can not see.


How to extend traffic on biline?

How to connect the package "Provided the speed of 1 GB" on "biline"?

Members of modems from " Biline", Tablets, smartphones and phones can extend their Internet traffic by connecting the service" Provided the speed of 1 GB" It will be useful especially to people who need to urgently access the worldwide network without having to download huge files.

To activate the package it is worth choosing one of the options:

  • Dial USSD request - * 115 * 121 # Challenge
  • Call number - 0674093221
  • IN " Personal Cabinet" on the official site " Biline»

After that, the internet connection will occur over a few seconds, and the speed will increase to the initial one.

How to connect the package "Provided the speed of 4 GB" on "BILINE"?

You need not just access to the Internet, but more and more "take a walk" on the worldwide network without a feet of viewing small videos on " YouTube."? Then at the end of traffic on the tariffs " Highway." or " Everything"From" Biline»You can connect the service" Provided the speed of 4 GB».

To do this, choose the way:

  • Dial USSD request - * 115 * 122 # Challenge
  • Call number - 0674093222
  • IN " Personal Cabinet" on the official site " Biline»

Cost and conditions for connecting packages "Provided the speed of 1 GB" and "Provided the speed of 4 GB" from Bilain


How to extend traffic on biline?


How to extend traffic on biline?

On the official site " Biline"To date, you can see the following rates for additional Internet packages:

  • "Provided the speed of 1 GB" - 250 rubles
  • "Provided the speed of 4 GB" - 500 rubles

According to these figures, it can be understood that with an increase in the volume of traffic decreases its value. In this case, with an increase in traffic, the price increases only by 2 times.

But it should be noted that additional packages will only act before the expiration of the main tariff on the Internet. For example, if you connected the tariff " Highway."Before, let's say, on June 15, but it ended on June 10, then the action of additional packages" Provided the speed of 1 GB" or " Provided the speed of 4 GB"It will last only five days. Etc. If we do not buy an additional package, until June 15, the Internet speed will be equal to 64 kbps.

But if an additional package in the specified case is over June 12, then we will be able to buy another additional package (or package for the package) for three days. That is, we will need to either meet during the validity period of the main tariff plan, or buy additional packages to return the speed of the Internet to the initial one.

Video: How to increase the speed USB Modem Beeline?

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