As on android, get around or reveal Wi-Fi password: Hacking programs

Published by B. Android / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Smartphones
4 Oct 2016.

In this article we will tell you what programs will help you hack Wi-Fi Wireless Access Point.

As you know, almost every second loves "Freebie", especially if it is very easy to get it.


Due to the big development of technologies, many prefer not to connect their internet at home, but to hack Wi-Fi a neighbor or, any other Wi-Fi, which is classified from outsiders.

It often happens that when you just need to urgently enter the Internet, and all available networks are classified, it is in such situations that is an excellent alternative to hacking Wi-Fi. But, not always, attempts are successful.

Recently, more and more people began to hack over all sorts of Wi-Fi networks from their gadgets.

Now on the Internet there are a lot of various information on any issue, starting with simple tips and recommendations for hacking systems and ending with specific programs that are able to intercept Wi-Fi networks, router data and much more.

It is in this article that you will learn not just about how to hack anyone interested you, Wi-Fi, but also learn how to do with mobile gadgets, for example, from the Android device.

So, what are the real programs for hacking Wi-Fi networks at the moment?

What ways of hacking Wi-Fi exist?

To begin with, we will tell you how and with the help of which programs, you can hack Wi-Fi from a regular computer.

For, to hack Wi-Fi from a computer, you will need to set 3 programs:

  • CommView. - Thanks to this program, you can analyze the Wi-Fi network you are interested in and see its content.
  • Air Crack - This program is designed to compare password codes using the data you receive from the previous program.
  • Password selection program. There are many different password selection programs, from their list you can choose any that you like, on functionality and meaning they are the same.

The process of hacking wireless Wi-Fi network thanks to these programs will be simple and fast.

  • FirstlyYou need to properly configure the CommonView program with how to properly configure this program, you can get acquainted in detail on the Internet. After the program is prepared for the search and analysis of the networks of interest, networks - proceed to the analysis (the program will provide you with the data that you may need for certain operations or simply in order to proceed to the next hacking step).
  • Secondly, run the Aircrack programHere everything is already configured and prepared for the hacking password of the Wi-Fi network, the only thing you need is to drive the data as requested in the program database. At this stage, you will receive a comparison and options for selecting suitable passwords.
  • At the last stageYou can use password selection program. From the previous program, take and copy all the options that you suggested and to independently select the password for you, network Wi-Fi, insert everything into the feeding program, and it will reduce out of a dozen options, will reduce to 2-3 possible options Suitable passwords.

What programs for hacking Wi-Fi exist on Android?



This program is designed for both mobile phones and smartphones and tablets. That is, on any gadget that supports android, you can establish this program.

Interesting! Initially, the WIBR program is intended to test the Wi-Fi network for security.

It works on the principle of analyzing a network if the password from the Wi-Fi network turns out to be simple or medium in terms of the degree of complexity, this program indicates this and provides recommendations for eliminating this problem. But in fact, this program is a great helper in hacking Wi-Fi network. But it is worth remembering that the program is intended for another and, therefore, it will not be able to hack a Wi-Fi network, which is defined too difficult password.

Wihack Mobile



This program works on the following principle:

  • After installing and starting it, you are given the main menu, where you choose the item of available existing Wi-Fi networks in proximity.
  • As soon as the program provides this data, you need to select the network you are interested in and click on the network analysis button.
  • Network Analysis You will give you detailed data about it that you may need, as well as help you choose a password from a Wi-Fi.
  • At this stage  the Wihack Mobile program is completed, and the Wi-Fi network is available for you.

With this programAccording to developers, you can get the following data on Wi-Fi networks such encryption and protection as:

  • WPA2.
  • WEP.
  • WPA.

WiFi Password Recover Plus


This program was intended, as well as the WIBR program to protect its Wi-Fi network and to restore a forgotten password, however, over time, the program has been a bit replicated by users and now helps anyone who wants to learn and choose a suitable password to The necessary Wi-Fi network, in other words, hack Wi-Fi.

All programs that are intended for hacking and selecting Wi-Fi password are operating according to a different principle, some carefully analyze data about the network itself, providing data on it, and some, without touching it - simply intercepts the Wi-Fi network.

This article does not provide data on programs that can be intercepting Wi-Fi password codes because such a method is very rare on android. This is due to the fact that these Wi-Fi modules are closed due to hardware restrictions.

In conclusion of the foregoing, it is worth saying that hacking Wi-Fi is not the simplest and interesting lesson.

In any case, in order to gain access to the long-awaited network - you will need to try and think good.

Remember! As they say, free cheese is only in a mousetrap and it's like nothing else to the point!

We wish you good luck in hacking password for Wi-Fi and achieve your goal!

Video: How to hack Wi Fi network with Android devices?

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