How to buy the cheapest TV in M.Video? Cheapest TVs in M.Video: Catalog, Price, Review, Characteristics

Published by B. M Video / El Dorado
16 Feb 2017.

An article on the conditions of the promotion on the goods in M.Video. Features of the action.

El Dorado, M VideoTwo are gigid on the sale of digital equipment and electronics. Catalogs of goods, both megamarkets, huge.
Actual question where cheaper TV? Responding, you need to know information on shares, discounts, view the catalog of goods in both stores.


Shares M. Video for you!

To view the catalog in El Dorado, just go on the link here

  • select option "TVs"

Catalog of goods on television receivers

  • activate the city's search system, region

City search

  • view directory, choose products

To view the catalog in M Video, scheme, approximately the same:

  • log in link
  • celebrate the city
  • open catalog

Catalog of TVs M.Video

  • select TV at a preferred price

However, we did not take into account the discounts!
M Video offers an amazing campaign called "Found a TV, reduce the price"! Based on this promotion, a budget TV in El Dorado It may be more expensive.

Deciphering a shares of M. Video "found a TV cheaper, reduce the price"

  • ordered TV B. M Video
  • noted the same product in another store, cheaper
  • appealed to M Video with information
  • at the checkout M Video There is a price reduction or the difference is compensated if you ordered the goods on the site.

Step-by-step instructions for this promotion

Purchase through the site:

  • select the product on the site M Video here
  • activate the best price guarantee mark

Sign "Best Price Guarantee"

  • select TV
  • activate the promotion icon on the right, at the top and product page

Selecting TV, activate stock icon, right, top

  • wait for SMS - messages to your mobile phone with a number of wicker to reduce cost
  • mark promotion on the product page or show promotional discount, seller in the store

Note: The code works in 72 hours
Purchase through the outlet:

  • show the seller printed link to the price of the store, where the same item is cheaper
  • check the information with the seller
  • reduced cost at the checkout occurs instantly

Promotion benefits

  • practically 100% benefit
  • action action in all stores M. Video
  • compensation difference between prices, 100%

List of competitors can be viewed by reference here

We add that the legislatively approved list includes salons of telecom operators, large stores of digital technology and electronics.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure to buy a TV cheaper, along with M Video!

Video: Best price guarantee for M. Video. Advertising

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