How to change the font on your computer and laptop Windows 7, 8, 10, XP? How to enlarge on a computer and laptop and reduce the font on the monitor screen? How to increase and reduce font on page in classmates, VK, 1C, Facebook, Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome?

Published by B. Windows
9 Jul 2017.

Article on the options for changing the font in Google Chrome browsers, Yandex, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte, as well as versions of Windows 7, 8,10, XP on a computer, laptop.

Often the text font on a computer, laptop, in browsers and social networks becomes not comfortable for visual perception. The reasons for discomfort, this article is dedicated to the reasons of discomfort, the possibilities of changing the font.


The discomfort to perceive the laptop font, computer can lead to impairment of vision

Causes of font change

  • high permissive ability of a computer or laptop, appears a font in a reduced form, viewing becomes more difficult
  • low resolution ability gives reverse results, the font becomes too large, inconvenient to work or read

Changing the font in the browser Google Chrome

Immediately note that you can change the font in this browser only on the computer. For a laptop, such an operation is not available.
Consider changing the scale of the page, which leads to a change in the size of the font.
Current page change diagram:

Option number 1

  • turn on the browser Chromium
  • click sign "Three horizontal lines" at the top, right screen

Sign "Three Horizontal Lines" at the top, on the right screen in the chrome browser

  • select a string "Scale"

Row "Scale" in the browser menu

  • mark, one of the scaling options in the string "Scale":
    sign + , increasing font size,
    sign , decrease of the size of the font parameters,
    sign "Two arrows in a square"for deploying a full screen
  • scale, which means, the size of the letters will be changed

Option number 2.

  • dial the key combination Ctrl and +. (Applicable K. Windows, Linux.)
  • ⌘ and + for version POPPY
  • Ctrl and +. For version Chrome OS.

To reduce the scale, do the following:

  • the code Ctrl +., (applicable to Windows, Linux)
  • the code and for version POPPY
  • the code Ctrl and for Chrome OS.

To go to the full screen, use the keys F11,

⌘ + Ctrl + F, F4, accordingly, the above versions.

The font can be changed on one page or all over the text.

Changing the font in the browser Google Chrome throughout the text

Option number 1

  • turn on the browser Chromium
  • click sign "Three horizontal lines", at the top, right
  • enter the option "Settings"
  • activate section "Additional"Located at the bottom of the page

The "Advanced Settings" section is at the bottom of the "Settings" option.

  • go to section "Appearance"

Open the "Appearance" section

  • select the desired option from this section, namely, "Change all" (pressing the arrow down under the row "Scale")

Set the desired scale in the browser settings

  • Set scale
  • press the key "Okay"

Option number 2.

  • go to the section "Appearance", as indicated in version number 1
  • activate the option "Change the font size" or "Set fonts"

Activate the "Change Font Size" option or "Configure Fonts"

  • click Arrow «+» or « -», on line "Font size",choosing the desired size

Press the arrow "+" or "-", on the line "font size" by selecting the desired size

Note: The remaining font parameters are changed using the option. "Customize the font."


The "Configure Font" option to change the remaining font parameters

Font change in Yandex browser

  • log in to the browser system
  • press the key "Settings"

Press the "Settings" key

  • in the window that opens, mark the string "Show Additional Settings" (At the bottom of the window, indicated by the arrow)

Activating the string "Show Advanced Settings"

  • specify from the entire list section "Web content"

Check from the list "Web content"

  • in the section that opens, the font is exposed. "Middle" in default mode
  • select the desired font from the list: "Large", "Very large", "Small" etc

Choose a font from the list: "Large", "very large", "small" and so on

To set individual text parameters, do the following:

  • Press the key "Set fonts"
  • find a string "The smallest font size"

In the "Configure Fonts" section, specify the string "The smallest (minimum) font size"

  • spend the font adjustment using, slider
  • review the preview of the font on the web pages

Preview text, after changing the font on the web page

See how in practice you can change fonts in Yandex You can by the following video:

Video: How to change the font in Yandex browser?

Font change in VKontakte

Actions are carried out in the browser, where the account is open.

  • open account

Change the scale, respectively, text size using the Ctrl key combinations and computer mouse wheels

  • click the following key combination Ctrl + Wheel of Computer Mouse
  • wheel up (in combination), increasing scale (font, respectively)
  • wheel down (in combination), scale decrease and text font

Other possibilities for changes in changes in the text parameters of this social network, today, is not provided.

Font change in classmates

There are several options for changing the font of a popular social network:

  • the font changes within the browser
  • the font changes within the operating system

Option number 1 (actions in the browser)
Actions relate to all famous browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Fridox, Yandex.

  • Ctrl plus +.- Page Font Increase
  • Ctrl plus -- a decrease in the scale of the page
  • Ctrl plus 0.- return scale in previous condition
  • Ctrl plus _, scrolling the wheel of the mouse, changing the scale in one direction or another.

The method is applicable for Odnoklassniki, In contact with, YouTube.
Option number 2 (changing the font using operating system settings)

  • we enter the superstructure panel, activating the option "Three horizontal lines"in browser Google Chrome

Intensifying the "Three Vertical Line" option by entering the "Settings" section

  • we find the option "Show Additional Settings"

Find the option "Show Advanced Settings"

  • open section "Page View"

Section "Page View"

  • change the font

Font change in Facebook

On the Facebook You can change the scale, respectively, the text will change.

  • enter your account
  • click on the key CtrlHolding her
  • in parallel, press the key «+» To increase scale
  • pair with key Ctrl, click « — » To reduce scale

Changing the font size in Windows

General scheme:

  • enter the option "Properties",activating the right mouse button

Enter the option "Properties"

  • choose a section "Registration"

Select the section "Design" to change the font

  • spend actions to change in it by selecting a comfortable resolution.

Next, consider how to change the font for different versions Windows.

Windows XP.

Option number 1

  • enter the right mouse button in activity by selecting the section "Properties"

Selecting the section "Properties"

  • find a string "Emboss"
  • specify in the list of font numbers, the desired number

Mark the font size dropping list

  • press the key "Apply"

Option number 2.

  • insert B. DVD. Computer Connector, Laptop, Disk - Distribution Windows XP. from the corporation Microsoft.
  • press the right mouse button
  • find a string "Properties"

We find the string of "Properties"

  • press the key "Parameters" In the list that appears

Press the "Parameters" key in the list that appears

  • select a string "Additional"
  • enter the section "General"
  • add scale size

Activate the "General" section

  • optionally, install an individual font parameter using a string "Specific parameters", indicating the increase in the increase
  • to activate the changes made, restart the computer

Computer reset page

Note: Licensed DVD disk with Windows XP software Can be purchased in supermarkets of computer equipment.

Changing text parameters (version of Windows 7)

  • working with the right mouse button, open the option "Screen resolution"

Option "Screen Resolution"

  • in the new section, we find the option "Put (establish) text more, less"

We find the option "Put (set) text more, less" or "make text and other elements more or less"

  • indicate the percentage of the desired change
  • press key "Apply"

Pressing the percentage of the desired font change, press the "Apply" key

Video: How to change fonts in Windows 7

Changing text parameters (version of Windows 8)

  • start the operations standard by selecting the right mouse button on the desktop, the option responsible for screen resolution

Select the "Screen Resolution" option

  • in the appearance of the window, find the string with which you can change the size of the text.

Activating the option "Changing the size of the text and other elements"

  • change text settings using a runner
  • fix the operations done by pressing the key "Apply"

Change the text parameters using the runner, fix the operations done by pressing the "Apply" key

Changing text parameters (version of Windows 10)

Getting started to change the font in this version, similar to the versions 7.8, XP.. You should run the program, enter the superstar systems. Next, carry out the following operations:

Option number 1

  • we save current characteristics, as a special rEG fileby pressing the key "Save"

Saving current characteristics, as a special REG file

  • configure font size, according to the setting panel shown in the figure below

Configure font size, according to the next setting panel

  • press key "Apply" "Apply"
  • according to the issue in the information page, we leave the program to activate the adjusted adjustments

On offer to exit the system, press the "OKEY" key

  • we enter the version 10, second time
  • we view the modified characteristics of the size of the text, the interface parameters

We view the changed characteristics of the size of the text, the interface parameters after the second login

Option number 2.
This option is suitable only for the version. 10.
Text parameter change diagram:

  • we enter the system
  • open the settings panel
  • we activate the option "Parameters" Combination of keys Win + I.

We activate the option "Parameters"

  • we enter the section "System"

Open the section "System"

  • open subsection "Screen"
  • press the string "Additional (optional) changes in text parameters"

Press the string "Extension (optional) changes in text parameters" in the "Screen" section

  • we find a string "Additional changes in the size of the text, parameters"

We activate the string "Extension (additional) changes in the size of the text, parameters"

  • in the appeared window we ask title Font Settings, Menu, Inscriptions to badges and so on
  • press key "Apply"

Note: Repeatedly Reboot your computer not required.

We tried the most briefly, schematically show how to change the font in different versions Windows, major browsers, popular social networks on the computer screen, laptop.

We hope the article will be useful for you!

Video: How to change the size of the text in Windows 10?

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