How and where is it better to create your blog on the Internet yourself, from scratch, for earnings? How to create your own personal blog on, WordPress, Instagram, in contact: Step-by-step instructions

This article describes the process of creating a site, a blog independently, without investments.

The desire to earn today can be realized by doing a favorite thing.

  • The Internet helps many people who know how to beautifully identify information, describe current events and talk about personal impressions.
  • Your block in the network is an excellent opportunity for earnings on the Internet.
  • But how to create your site? After all, for every person who decided to earn money, without investing money, it is important that the project is profitable. Let's try to find out how it can be done.

How and where is it better to create your blog on the Internet yourself, from scratch, for earnings?

Blog on the Internet

Blog on the Internet

Before creating your blog, you need to have a faithful idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a lesson.

Let's analyze all existing nuances, and let's start with positive parties.

  • This work should be interesting for you.
  • You also need to have a lot of free time and be able to competently dispose of them.
  • If you do an additional business, then with your blog you can also promote your business. The main thing, advertising is unobtrusively and objectively.

From negative aspectsit is worth noting the following:

  • Good organized blogger. You need to be able to plan your day to have time and your affairs and work on creating a blog.
  • The yield of the site will not immediately. You have to wait a couple of years so that the income can be called a good profit. At this time, you will have to invest your strength and time.

How and where is it better to create your blog on the Internet yourself, from scratch, for earnings? Before opening your Internet resource, you should decide for yourself, why is it needed. Internet resources are usually created for such needs:

  • Commercial resources - for profit.
  • Non-profit portals - In order to communicate and share interesting information - forums and other similar resources.
  • Inports with educational content. Usually these Internet sites have limited access to information. It can use it, but for a specific fee and for a specific period of time.
  • Online shops - For the sale of goods and services.
  • Information sites  with content on concrete topics - In order to earn money on advertising and affiliates.

Then you need to decide on the site type. There are several types of Internet portals:

Types of sites

Types of sites

If you want to offer services, you will need a business card. If you need to submit your business, then you should create an Internet portal.

Currently there are many sites on creating sites for free:

  • Site Blogger.
  • WordPress playground
  • Platform Instagram.
  • Website VKontakte
  • LiveJournal
  • Yandex.V.
  • Ucoz.

When you have decided on site type and you will definitely confident in the needs of your future blog, then you can begin the creation and placement of a resource on the network. Now let's look in detail how to create a site from scratch and on which sites.

How to create your own personal blog on, WordPress, Instagram, in contact: Step-by-step instructions

Personal block in instagram

Personal block in instagram

To deal with the creation of your site simply. Stick the instructions that are below, and after a couple of hours you will have your own Internet resource.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an Internet resource on WordPress:

Determine the topic and why do you need this niche online

  • You can choose any interesting theme for you, despite the fact that millions of resources have been created for each topic.
  • You will be able to take your niche.
  • Do not choose extensive topics, such as health.
  • It is better to choose a small subtep - it will be more profitable for you and interesting for users.

Selection of the domain name and registration of hosting

  • If the site is needed for earnings, then you should not use a free level 3 level domain and cheap hosting.
  • Free site designers offer 2nd level domains - it is much better. Also worth paying autonomous hosting.
  • For registration of a beautiful domain in the zone "RU" We'll have to pay 149 rubles. But it's a penny, considering how much you will earn on your site. Hosting Choose high-quality, for example, under this reference.

Installing the site on the WordPress

  • Currently, you do not need to independently install the WP resource.
  • You go to hosting, register there and use the already prepared CMS WP.
  • You do not have to download the archive on the WordPress and unpack it manually.
  • Hosting specialists made this process automated and user-friendly.
  • You only need to create a new site and select the WP engine in the list. It will be installed on the site for clicking the mouse.

Basic settings WP.

  • All you need to delete or add to the resource using the section "Settings".
  • Remove unnecessary widgets. Now users are no longer interesting labels or archives.
  • Many widgets can create a load on hosting.


Pick up the paper

  • If you want your blog to be popular, and this is necessary for earnings, then you have to come up with a unique design.

When choosing the subject, pay attention to such characteristics:

  • Adaptation under different sizes screens. Now users enter the Internet not only with a PC or laptop, but also from the phone. Therefore, your site must have adaptive layout of the template so that the search engine show it and mobile Internet users.
  • Decide what is better for you: free or paid topic. You can download a free template from the WordPress website and then modify it, and you can buy a ready-made template - unique and satisfying network search systems.
  • Do not choose a complex topic. At first, it is better to pay attention to the quality of articles.

Set the proposed plugin set

  • Plugins will help protect the site from the penetration of intruders from the outside and from spam, and also allow you to optimize the blog for the search engine and make it useful for visitors.
  • Plugin. WP-DB-Backup Allows you to create a copy of the site in the database.
  • Limit Login Attempts. Protects login and password from selecting.
  • Spam bots will comment on articles, even if there are no visitors on the blog.
  • To make the site to meet the technical requirements of search engines, install such plugins: Google Xml Sitemaps, All In One Seo Pack, Wordpress Seo by Yoast or Platinum SEO Pack.

Publication of articles

  • First select key requests for Wordstat. Choose phrases with a large number of requests for the month. This means that they are popular, and users often introduce them to the search engine.
  • To add an article to the site, you need to open the WordPress and click on "Records". Then click "Add new". After adding an article, click "Save" and "Publish".

Video: How to quickly create your website on Wordpress - step-by-step guide! Always relevant!

Step by step instructions for creating your personal blog on

  • Register an account in the search engine Google.
  • Then on the main page Google Find the services menu. Select Blogger. Enter the password and click on "To come in".
  • In block "Settings" Press "Create a profile". Skip the following steps and press "Proceed". In the last stage, press "Ready" and "Go to Blogger".
  • Click "New Blog" And write the title. At this stage, you must come up with a domain for the blog.
  • Select a template and click on "Ready."
  • Now you need to go to "Settings" and choose section "Basic". Add a description with keywords and click on "Save".

Video: How to create a blog on Blogger

Step-by-step instructions for creating a personal blog in Instagram:

Make regular photo posts

  • If you need a blog for earnings, then you must pay great attention to him: to constantly post new photos, respond to comments.
  • In general, you should deal with daily content planning.

Connect statistics

  • First activate the business account. Then you will have an icon "Statistics".
  • These page indicators will help watch visits and other indicators that suggest a popular page or something to do to add subscribers.
  • You can understand which photos like people and at what time of day it is better to add.

Pick up a beautiful avatar and place the pages cap

  • Tell subscribers about your activities, specify contacts and insert links to other social network pages or a personal site.
  • Avatar should be creative and interesting.

Treat photos before publishing

  • Your professionalism, as a blogger, will be determined by the ability to create photos that attract the attention of the audience.
  • For example, they can be processed in Photoshop, make the correction of light, impose filters and so on.
  • Advertisers pay attention to the creativity of publications and more often proposals on advertising are received precisely to the owners of such accounts.

Promote your page

  • You will find new opportunities in instagram, if you promote your account.
  • First you have to buy some advertising and create your own arts. For example, if you know how to draw, you can send your work to other bloggers.
  • When their audience is interested in your work, you can recruit new subscribers.
  • This can be reached to professional level, and work with well-known companies will significantly increase the audience of your page.

Recently, Instagram was a platform for creativity. Now this is an advertising platform, where almost everything is based on mainstream.

  • You can copy different accounts, make filters of thousands of photos, but do not repeat for famous people.
  • After all, the fact that what will you do should be interesting to you and should get good at you.
  • If you do not understand anything in the style of clothing, then you do not need to post posts and photos in your account associated with this topic.
  • Of course, you need to move on modern trends, but adjust them under your candidacy.
Instagram page

Instagram page

There are such directions for the development of an account in Instagram:

  • Fashion - That's all related to fashion. Such accounts have stylists, companies for the production of clothing and designers. They create business accounts to promote trends. If you are familiar with styles, fashion and you have a good feeling of taste, then create such Fashion. Blog.
  • Beauty blogging - Beauty is always in trend. Beauty Bloggers advertise everything connected with cosmetology: the choice of cosmetics, skin care. To become a good blogger in the direction Beauty Blogging.You need to understand different facilities for the care and other similar things. After all, you will advise all this to your subscribers.
  • Lifestyle - You have an interesting and rich life, and I want to tell about it to the whole world, then Life Style Blog - this is for you. Your page will turn into a video and a fortunever who will consider and discuss people.
  • Discovering - It has a lot in common with life, but the blog of this destination publishes photo about the journey. If you like to ride the world and are ready to post your trip report, this blog is for you. But you need to understand that Discovering. - cost topics. After all, you must constantly have in new places to replenish your blog interesting photos and talk about some difficulties that you have to face.
  • Food blogging - Blog about cooking. If you like to cook and create new dishes, then make their photos and lay out in instagram. But first you need to buy a good digital camera so that the photo is high quality. Food Blogging. - This is a favorite occupation of many famous chefs, which brings good additional income.

Video: Instagram: How to successfully keep your account

Step-by-step blog creation on VKontakte:

  • Complete authorization. Sign up on VKontakte website under this reference. Enter all the necessary data, confirm the phone number and email and move on.
  • Create a community. If you already have the VK page or you just registered, go to the section "My groups" And click on "Community creation".
  • Come up with the name. You need to specify the original name of the community and enter it into the appropriate graph. It should contain basic keywords by which your group will advance. For example, "Cooking", "Fashion", "Style" and so on.
  • Specify the type of group in the drop-down list.
  • Make a brief description of the group. Easy to perceive text with keywords.
  • Select URL. It must be present thematic words. Make it short and easy to memorize.
  • Specify the address of your site.
  • Make a creative avatar. It can be a photo of a beautifully decorated dish, product or any other image of what you need to advertise.
  • Click "Save Changes".

Now fill your block with articles, new photos, invite the participants. All this will definitely bring their fruits after a few months, and you can become a successful blogger - well-known and recognizable.

Video: Creating a blog page in contact

Reviews about strategies Earnings on their website or blog are very contradictory. Some users argue that it is impossible to make money online, others complain of a spear income, and the third become famous bloggers and achieve great success. It is important to be persistent and move forward to your goal. Successes in creating and promoting your blog or website!

Video: How to quickly create your site on Vordpress (WordPress) - 2017! New step by step guide!

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