How and how can I restore the edited and lost Vordrial document? Is it possible to return unsaved changes in the Word?

Published by B. Microsoft Office.
4 Apr 2018.

The article will tell how to restore the misconceived documents "Word"

When working with documents " Word.»Emergency circumstances can happen on the computer, for example, an unexpected power outage. Sometimes it happens that the computer itself turns off due to any system error.

And in the first, and in the second case, if you did not have time to keep the document " Word."Before turning off the computer, already edited information is lost. The question arises, and whether it is possible to restore the lost document " Word."And return the changes disappeared in it?

In this review we will discuss how to restore and return the closed, lost or not saved document " Word 2007./2010/2013/2016».

Method for the first restoration of an unsaved Word document: Use the function of automatic recovery of documents "Word"

Text editor " Word."It makes it possible to automatically save, and, therefore, and restore the disappeared manually. If it suddenly turns off or restart the computer at the moment when you worked in " Word."The next time the program starts the program will invite you to restore lost information:


We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

Here it should be noted a very important point. Program " Word."Suggested to restore lost data only when you first start a specific document. When you restart such an opportunity, you will not have such a possibility, so you have this in mind and do not miss your chance.

You can also open the document " Word."Forced to restore lost information. But there are nuances here. If before that you created another document with the text and saved it, then you cannot restore the previous document. So to open a forcibly disappeared document " Word.", We do the following:

  • Create a new document, do not print anything in it, and go to the top menu in " FileOpen».
  • Next in the Explorer window, select the document you need, select it, click on the button " Open"And then - on" Open and restore", As shown in the screenshot.

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

Method for the second restoration of the unaccompanied document Word: We work with the source file

As we have already spoken, even if you have not saved the document manually, the program " Word."Does it automatically. All auto save are in the source file " Word."That we need to find. To find this file, do the following:

  • We search. In the seven, the search string can be found in the menu " Start", In the eight - at the same time pressing" WIN."And" W.”.

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

  • Next, type the exact name of the document to be saved in the search bar. A list with similar names is displayed - select the desired file.

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

But it should be noted that this method does not give a hundred percent guarantee that you can save all the necessary data - the source file can also be simply disappearing after an unexpected shutdown of the computer.

Method for the third recovery of an unshakable Word document: We use the folder with automatic saving

Program " Word."Differs many advantages. For example, if you, using it, did not change its parameters, the document is automatically saved with all data in a special backup folder. This folder is hidden, so finding it with the help of the above methods will not work.

You will have to do the following way:

  • Through the top item " Files»Go to subparagraph" Parameters»

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

  • Next, the settings window opens where you need to go to the item " Preservation" Pay attention to the screenshot. Here we see that auto storage by default happens every 10 minutes. We can reduce this time up to 1 minute (it will be useful if you want to automatically save all the information in the document that has been created by you a minute ago). Here, we see the way to the folder with autoshrys. Copy this path.

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

  • Next, go on it and find the folder with autosoys along with the file saved in it.

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

You can do the same operations and other methods:

  • Go to " FileIntelligence"And pay attention to the big button" Managing versions" (or " Document management"Depending on the version" Word.»).

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

  • If you know the right of this button, you will not see a list of previous saved documents, then click on it and then click on " Restore disappeared documents».

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

  • Next, the folder with the files you can run

This method can help you if the following conditions are followed:

  • You have disabled automatic data saving function.
  • Your computer has suddenly turned off due to a critical error or power off.
  • You worked on a document for a while
  • You work with the program " Word 2010." and higher

Four method: Restoring the unaccompanied Word document using third-party programs

This method will help restore the lost document " Word."Even in those cases where you accidentally deleted the file, formatted the disk or picked up viruses. We are talking about the application of special programs to restore files " Word.", Among which we can advise such:

  • « 7-Data Recovery"This program has many functions and can restore documents five ways. It has a Russian interface, but quite complicated in use.
  • « Active undelete."- This program is more simple to use and well suite beginners.
  • « Wondershare Data Recovery."- a very good program that will help restore" Word." documentation.

Before using such a software, you should know that if you deleted the document and then recorded a large amount of information on the computer, then restore the file " Word."Will be much more complicated.

To restore the document, we recommend starting to use " Wondershare Data Recovery." Download, install the program and do the following:

  • Run the program and in its window click on " Restoring files»

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

  • Then select the disk on which you want to save lost data. As a rule, such data is stored on the disk " C."But you can choose all discs. For a larger effect, check the daw below opposite the item " Include deep scanning"And click on the button" Start».

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

  • The program further scans the disk and give a list of files that can be restored. Files will have different formats, we are interested in files " .doc"And". docx" Put the daws opposite them and click on " Restore».

We restore closed and unsaved documents "Word"

Video: How to restore the unsaved document in "Word"?

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