How to add and delete trusted devices for two-stage authentication in Apple ID?
In this article, we will discuss the question of two-stage authentication, as well as adding devices to the list of trusted.
Two iPhone two-factor authentication is a dual account protection using a password and your phone number. It works about this way - the attacker becomes known your Apple ID and password, but it still will not be able to access your account, since he did not get a secret code from SMS, respectively, he will not be able to harm you.
At the same time, if you wish to bind your device and an account or log in to icloud.com, you will be given a temporary password. He will go on the phone and you can easily make all the necessary actions.
How to activate two-factor authentication?
When activating this kind of authentication for ICloud, all responsibility will only be assigned to you. When the code or phone number is lost, or the device is not subject to recovery. Make it will not be able to even technical support for Apple.

- First go to the management page of your account - "My Apple ID" and select "Office Apple ID".
- Next, enter the appropriate authorization data.
- Now select "Password and safety" in the left menu and then "Bring out ..." Under stitching "Two-stage inspection".

Setting up two-stage authentication on iPhone
- You will highlight greetings and some information about the work of such an inspection. Here press on "Continued".

How to set up two-step authentication on iPhone?
- You will have some explanations again. Their meaning is that only you will be available to change the parameters in the presence of the necessary data, that is, the attackers can not do anything. Agree to this.

User Agreement on iPhone
- And one more, the last warning should also be confirmed.

Confirmation of operation on iPhone
- And now you can configure directly protection.
- First specify the phone number you use.

Enter phone number
- Next, you will receive an SMS message with a confirmation code.

Phone confirmation
- After confirmation, you will display a list of devices tied to ICloud. Here, continue the operation to get a very important key.

List of trusted devices on iPhone
- The system will provide the key that you must reliably save so that it is not lost anywhere.

Confirmation of access keys
- Now prove that the code is really saved. The system will ask you to enter it.

Getting a key access
- At the final stage, confirm the solution to enjoy two-stage authentication. Read everything carefully, set the mark and select Enable.

Completing the configuration of two-stage authentication
Now setting is complete.
Trusted devices
Separate attention is required trusted devices and adding them.
Such a device is any of the Apple company from which authorization in IClOUD is performed using two-factor authentication.
You can view and delete devices in the same section in the Apple ID account.
- Open the page of your profile

ICLOUD authorization
- Sign in with Apple ID
- Open "Devices"
- The list will light the gadgets for which the entrance is made using the Apple ID identifier

List of devices in iCloud
- Select anyone to view detailed information, including whether it is a trusted and whether it is possible to receive a confirmation code.
- To add a new gadget, log in to it through two-factor authentication with Apple ID.
- You can also delete any device. You can do this in the section where the list of all gadgets is displayed.