How often do you need to restart your smartphone, tablet, laptop or pc? Why do you need a reboot of a computer, smartphone, tablet, laptop?

Published by B. Useful advice
Jan 27, 2018.

The article will tell why and how to restart the computer and gadgets.

In addition, simply turn off / enable the phone or the tablet does not cause them to work, but the reboot of the gadget makes how to think. How to do it?


How often do you restart the gadget?

The problem is that together with smartphones or tablets, an instruction for rebooting a gadget is not formed. Users begin to ask if this reboot need at all?

In today's review we will discuss what you need to restart the computer, laptop, gadgets (smartphones, phone numbers, tablets) and how to do it.

Why do you need to restart the computer?

A reboot is the same as it turns off-inclusion of a computer, only after the turning off the PC turns on immediately and automatically. This is understandable. But what is it necessary for?

Reboot computers and laptops in such cases:

  • The computer is dependent, there are certain problems
  • Installed new drivers, operating system updates, specific programs and games.
  • The computer was checking with the help of the antivirus program and so on

That is, each time you turn on the operating system begins to work with new specified parameters that have been made earlier to each computer shutdown. So works " Windows"(And" Android"). Let's not go into details why it happens exactly that, and not otherwise, let it remain on the conscience of the developers. There may be a reboot of computers in the future and it will not be necessary at all.

How often should you restart the PC?

Every time you install a new driver, update " Windows", Stop with certain problems, check your computer for viruses. In general, I will not spoil the operating system to the reboot. But remember that after rebooting you will go to " Windows"As if from scratch, that is, all open windows, programs, folders and notebooks will be closed.

Reboot the computer is very easy:

  • Go to " Pusto"
  • Next, click on the arrow near the button " Completion of work"And in the menu that opens - to the item" Reboot».

Reboot your computer through the "Start" menu

Why do you need to reboot smartphones and tablets?

By and large, the reboot of smartphones and tablets is needed for the same reason as for computers or laptops. But it is worth adding that the reboot of gadgets happens:

  • Normal
  • Through the reset of factory settings
  • « Recovery.»

The first version of the reboot in this list is intended mainly to clean the RAM (RAM) of the smartphone / tablet. As you know, RAM stores files running applications and operating system. The longer you keep the gadget included and more active on it, the stronger is clogged with RAM, which can slow down the smartphone. Therefore, you need a reboot. Also, the usual reboot is needed with any failures and problems in the work of the gadget.

To carry out a conventional reboot, click on the power button and wait until the menu appears in which you want to select " Reboot" In the case when the gadget hangs and does not respond to such actions, press simultaneously on " Home», « Volume"And" Turning on».

Reboot through the reset of factory dishes is needed in radical cases. If the usual reboot does not help, and the gadget continues to hang, inhibit and serve other signs of unstable work, you will have to use the settings reset. Please note that applications, settings and all other (except for photos, video) will be deleted from your gadget from your gadget.

For gadgets, the last type of reboot - " Recovery."- This is an analogue of the actions produced in the BIOS computers. That is, this way you can reset all the settings, delete unnecessary files from the gadget, install the firmware, etc.



Such a reboot is necessary when the rest listed above do not act. In this case, it is better to act through a specialist or explore this question on the Internet. In principle, you will have a minimum of time and strength.

Video: How to reboot tablet, phone and smartphone?


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