What will look like iPhone 8 in a glass case and with a touch button home?

Published by B. iOS.
Nov 7 2016.

In this article we will tell you that users can expect from the new iPhone 8.

Yet not everyone managed acquire new iPhone. 7, but already are conducted actively reasoning by occasion eighth models. So as following year will be jubilee, that from new smartphone expect global amendments.

First gossip appeared after togo, as became known known, what Apple. registered new patents. By that paper IPhone 8, rather total, will receive ceramic housing and wireless charging.

Glass or ceramics - for and against

New IPhone 8 Case

New IPhone 8 Case

According to patent, to two glass element were hermetically connected, can apply laser seal, what will do device fully waterproof.

More togo, planned remove habitual key HOME., to screen was busy all facial part devicesBy the way frontal camera also maybe build directly in display.

Along from vERIA of glasses, offered yet and options of ceramics. For confirmation this theory suitable two argument. In autumn were represented Apple. Watch in corps of ceramics, but also there is yet one patent for pocket computational devices from coating of ceramics.

Experts already again about expediency use this material. Although, Apple. not uses ordinary ceramics. for example, for Apple. Watch used oxide aluminum and dioxide zirconia. it allowed become gadget more resistant to wear and damage.

What will be the iPhone 8?

What will be the iPhone 8?

how consider experts, exactly dioxide zirconia will be able protect new IPhone 8 from destruction in time fall. For formation cracks prompted crystal structure, what forces crack become stable and fasten, to not disseminate by screen.

IN very patent approved, what after testing were sept air bubbles of material, what done material strong.

How will iPhone 8 look like in a new design?

how reports edition Nikkei., iPhone. in next year represent ruler of three modelsstandard 4,7 and 5,5 inch, but also nEW from display in 5 inch. Sure, this is not official data, but it is impossible exclude such opportunity. Designer Vetyageskin1 believes, what models new Iphone will be about so:

IPhone 8 sizes

IPhone 8 sizes

how see, on the photo represented three models «eight«. W. Iphone 8 display will receive 2,5d.glass, that borrow all facial part. More togo, habicha many keys HOME. not will be.

Sources, which approached to Apple. declare, what keys «Home«, that was mandatory part rulers iPhone., will be virtual, that there is built-in in display. By toy cause, what display eighth models borrow all front part, that places for buttons nearly not.


iPhone 8.

On the today's day about iPhone. 8 yet difficult whatthat speak from sureness. By the way, possibly, nEW will receive wireless charging. For it is in flagship from 5,5inchyov display will be embedded curved Oled.display, but w. others is he so and will remain LCD..

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