Internet Kyivstar for the phone: how to connect, disable

Published by B. Kyivstar / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Kievstar services
29 Jul 2016.

The article tells how to connect and disable mobile Internet without any problems.

Mobile operator » Kyivstar» is an head. ukrainian industry cellular communication, services whom enjoy more 23.5 million human.

Provides services GPRS. on the all locality coatings Ukraine, in addition roaming in 192 countries mira on the 5 continents.

Kyivstar delivers residents countries most advanced telecommunication offers by acceptable cost.



Practically everyone second a citizen Earth enjoy internet empty. Company Kyivstar allows enjoy GPRS. or WAP. mobile access to world network for fast search necessary material.

FROM promotion «the Internet without borders» can without all sorts problems check his mail, operational fly necessary information, not dependent from your his locations.

Tariffation of the action "Internet without borders"

it sentence provided all subscribers Kyivstar, not dependent from forms your his service. Also this sentence available from lymi settings devices, besides «the Internet XL«.

If a in day human uses before 50 MB data, that speed the Internet connections will be make up 200 kB/from, in case exceeding this limita she is fall before 32 kB/from.

Activation this service worth it 27 hryvnia, time use. thirty days(pay ceremonies from your his balance immediately after initial activation services). Also possibly to pay per everyone day use. by 1.25 g.., such option less profitable, so as in general sum come goes away on the lot more expensive.

First connection shares «the Internet without borders» free, everything subsequent cost 10 hryvnia. Now most the main thing: as to plug and disable mobile the Internet?


How to connect mobile "Internet without borders"?

There are several methods for connecting the Internet to a mobile phone:

  1. To do call on the short number: 477*154, similar fashion happen activation internet
    2. Ply set combinations *154*1#, you connect service mobile internet from daily freight
    3. If same you would you like to do payment per whole month use., necessary score such USSD. inquiry *154*3# and press on the buton call

For correct work services, after departure requests and receipt information SMS, need to reboot yours device(turn off and enable).

When on the yours balance end money, stock disable(automatically). For repeated connections, need to top up score and enter combination *154*2#, or rebel call on the number 477*154, similar fashion revenge activate mobile the Internet for his smartphone.

For diagnostics status, installation services, need to score inquiry *154#. As a result what on the screen your his phone you see all necessary information.


How to disable the Internet without borders on your device?

When w. you already not will be neighborhood in usage mobile internet, need to before disable this service, for togo, to from your his balance not take off funds.

To do this is enough simply, worth it only enter combination *154*0# and press button call on the gadget. After this actions service will be disabled.


Promotion "Business Internet Without Borders"

For users such tariff plan, as «Kyivstar Business» there is opportunity to order service business the Internet without borders. This service act only for daily payment, cost 1 hryvnia, for it is you get unlimited the Internet.

This sentence not provides disposable payment per month use.. Also she is available only from point access

For connections offers «Business the Internet without borders« necessary score *173*1#, or call on the number: 477*254. Connection free.

If a you would you like stop enjoy that offer, dial such combination: *173*2# and buton call, after what service will be suspended. For checks state shares enter *173*3# and get necessary information.



If a w. you originated what kindthat difficulties for connection or turning off mobile internet, contact from technical support, tying short number 466 or 477, or stationary: 044 466 0 466.

To connect MMS, WAP GPRS, the Internet GPRS needs to be gained by combinations:

  • For connecting * 100 * 11 * 2 #and the call button
  • For disconnection *100*11*3#
  • To customize the service *100*11*4#
  • Check the status of the service *100*12*1#

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