SELECT GROUP - SERVICE OF SETTING SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the postal identifier number: official website. How to find out where the parcel with Aliexpress to Russia is at the moment along the order track number?

Published by B. Aliexpress
Aug 13, 2017.

The article tells how to track the parcels with " Aliexpress».

« Aliexpress» - Chinese online store, which rapidly gained its popularity among buyers from different points of the world. And it is not surprising. In the store you can order products at fairly low prices: laptops, phone numbers, smartphones, headphones, shoes, clothes and much more. Free shipping is also valid.

But newcomers, for example, may not quite trust the Chinese online store. Will the parcel come? Is it possible to track it anything so that there is no doubt?


SELECT CONTRACT - SERVICE SERVICE SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the post identifier number official website. How to find out where the package with Aliexpress to Russia is currently at the following order track

Delivery of any product with Aliexpress From China to Russia, of course, you can track how this is done in any other case. In this review, we will study various options as it can be done.

How to track parcels with "Aliexpress" to Russia?

The movement of any parcel from the seller to the buyer is always tracked by its special postal identifier (track number). This is a completely ordinary procedure - when you buy a product in the online store, it is packaged in the parcel and ship through the mail. Mail issues a track number that online store, in turn, provides the buyer.

In case of « Aliexpress» The same happens. After your order payment over time you can see the track number of your parcel in your " Personal Cabinet»On the website of the store. It may take several days to it, since the seller must accept the order, pack the parcel, attribute it to the mail and make other necessary procedures. It may be so that the goods are not available in stock, and the seller himself orders it from the supplier.

In any case, if you have already paid the goods, then the track number will be issued, and the package will come to you. How to get this track number? This is done as follows:

  • In his " Personal Cabinet" Online " Aliexpress»Go to the top menu on the right and click on the item" My orders».

SELECT CONTRACT - SERVICE SERVICE SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the post identifier number official website. How to find out where the package with Aliexpress to Russia is currently at the following order track

  • You will find yourself on the page of your orders. Find the order you need and click on " More details", As shown in the screenshot.

SELECT CONTRACT - SERVICE SERVICE SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the post identifier number official website. How to find out where the package with Aliexpress to Russia is currently at the following order track

  • Next, you will see your track number. Please note that the track number and order number are different things. The screenshot indicates how the mail identifier looks like, and where it can be found. Copy it.

SELECT CONTRACT - SERVICE SERVICE SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the post identifier number official website. How to find out where the package with Aliexpress to Russia is currently at the following order track

Now you need this track number to determine where your parcel is at the moment, that is, to start the tracking procedure. To do this, we will offer you three resources where you can track the parcels with " Aliexpress».

GDEPOSYLKA.RU - Website to track parcels with "Aliexpress" to Russia

Go through this linkand you find yourself on the site " Where is the parcel" Here you can track the parcels marked from China to Russia. Enter the track number copied earlier in the specified field and click on the " To track the package" Next, the system will give you all the information.


SELECT CONTRACT - SERVICE SERVICE SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the post identifier number official website. How to find out where the package with Aliexpress to Russia is currently at the following order track

Same. Go on this link, enter the track number in the specified field and click on " To track the package».


SELECT CONTRACT - SERVICE SERVICE SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the post identifier number official website. How to find out where the package with Aliexpress to Russia is currently at the following order track

Go through link. Enter the track code and track your package.


SELECT CONTRACT - SERVICE SERVICE SETTINGS from China with Aliexpress to Russia at the post identifier number official website. How to find out where the package with Aliexpress to Russia is currently at the following order track

Video: How to track the parcels with Aliexpress?


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