Foxford - Home, Summer School. Foxford - Olympiad for schoolchildren, preparation for the exam, webinars

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows
Nov 5 2016.

Today it will be about the application for schoolchildren from the Foxford school. With it, you can prepare for the exam and the Olympiads, pull up school subjects and to engage in self-study using your smartphone, tablet or stationary PC.

What is Foxford School?

Foxford School was created by IPTI teachers in 2009. The first time in this educational platform included 8 courses that schoolchildren could pass after the main lessons at school.

Two years later, Foxford courses got an online platform based on With this service, children could receive the necessary data, and parents control the process of their learning and academic performance. Thanks to this site, children could learn not only in a specialized place for this, but also at home.

Foxford - online platform for schoolchildren

Foxford - online platform for schoolchildren

In 2011, the Foxford program included lessons in the form of webinars, and in another year the program of this online school expanded to 40 courses. In 2013, this school became the Skolkovo resident and its virtual walls began to visit thousands of schoolchildren.

Foxford is online courses for schoolchildren 5-11 classes. Thanks to such courses, schoolchildren can improve their knowledge. For this you need only access to the Internet and timely making fees for learning. Yes, these courses have a paid basis, but if they are compared with the hiring tutor, then the benefit is obvious. Moreover, the best teachers of our country are taught in Foxford.

Foxford training cost

Foxford training cost

Foxford courses are divided into four categories:

  • Base
  • Exam
  • In-depth
  • Olympiad

Each of these courses consists of dozens of lessons. The lesson consists of 2 or 3 academic hours and takes place once a week. During such a lesson, schoolchildren can ask teachers with questions with the help of voice and text chat. As in the usual school, after each lesson, the teacher sets the homework. In addition to obtaining material on the main subjects, Foxford courses can help prepare for the Olympiads and the EGE.

Preparation for the USE

Now on the Internet you can find quite a few training courses for the exam. Probably every parent grabs his head when he wants to find his child most suitable from them. But why choose when there is Foxford. The choice of training courses for the Unified State Examination of this Educational Platform is due to the following advantages:

  • Courses lead the best teachers from the leading educational institutions of our country.
  • The lesson video can be viewed after its completion to secure the material.
  • Use in the process of training electronic textbooks with interactive references and prompts.
  • Control of fixing materials by teacher
  • The cost of Foxford courses is cheaper than the cost of hiring a tutor.
  • The presence of the first free lesson.
  • The ability to train without leaving home.
Foxford courses for preparation for the exam in physics

Foxford courses for preparation for the exam in physics

When preparing for the exam in Foxford, a schoolboy can always receive not only relevant information, but also communicate with the teacher and ask him questions.

Important: According to the official statistics of this educational resource, the average score of the EGE from Pupils Foxford exceeded the average score of the country by 30 points. Moreover, every third student of the IFTI and every tenth student of Moscow State University was used during school training Foxford courses.

Preparation for Olympiads

School Olympiads give more opportunities to applicants when entering a higher educational institution. Therefore, schoolchildren who are going to enter prestigious universities is important not only to participate in such events, but also to win in them. With the help of educational project, Foxford can be prepared for such Olympiads.

Principles of learning and preparation for Olympiads in Foxford:

  1. Visuality. Unlike ordinary school textbooks, the materials in Foxford courses are provided very bright and colorfully. They contain pictures, schemes and tables for greater perception.
  2. Availability. The material of the courses was developed in accordance with the age of students.
  3. Mobility. Pupils Foxford has the ability to access materials in the presence of an Internet connection from anywhere in the world.
  4. Multi-levelness. The student can choose the material itself corresponding to its preparation level.
  5. Relevance. The material of these online courses contains the most relevant information today.
  6. Reliability. Foxford courses include materials taken from primary sources.
  7. Phaood. For better assimilation of the material, a phased structure for obtaining information was developed.

Mobile applications

Foxford educational platform has been released two applications for Android, iOS and Windows Phone: online training Foxford and Foxford tutorial.

Online training Foxford (courses)

Online training Foxford

Online training Foxford

This mobile application is designed for students of grades 1-11. It contains more than 80 courses on the school curriculum and lessons for general development. With it, you can prepare for the exam, Olympiads and GIA. "Online training Foxford" will help the student tighten and deepen his knowledge according to any object of school program.

With this application, you can do online in real time or view video recording. After passing the material, the student will be an estimate. At its base, a general ranking of the student is formed. It can be compared with the ratings of other students passing these courses.

An application "Online training Foxford" provides the possibility of learning without leaving home.

Download the application "Online training Foxford" (Courses) can be:

Foxford tutorial

Foxford tutorial

Foxford tutorial

Foxford Tutorial is an application that is an interactive school textbook on eight school subjects. In addition to the theory in this application, you can find examples and tasks. And for the schoolboy "Foxford textbook" will be useful because the developers have completed it comfortable cribs.

This application is available for mobile operating systems Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The program is divided into three levels of complexity. This interactive textbook can be used as an addition to "Online Foxford Preparation". This application includes:

  • 3000+ Theoretical Materials for the School Program
  • 500+ Videos from leading teachers in Russia
  • Convenient navigation and search
  • Ability to add topics to favorites

Download the "Foxford Tutorial" app:


Education is an important part of our life. According to psychologists, the rays time for information is 7-25 years old. The school can not always give the child the information you need. That is why caring parents should look for an alternative to school education. And the Foxford School Courses are suitable for this, as it is impossible. With their help, you can not only supplement the traditional education of your child, but also thanks to the convenient submission of information, to instill a training craving.

Project site:

Canal on YouTube:

Video. Foxford Online Training Center

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