Effects of messages in iMessage are not triggered - what to do?

Published by B. iOS.
21 Oct 2016.

If you updated to iOS 10, but you do not work animated messages, then our article will help you.

IN new iOS. 10 updated attachment «Messages«. it dalo opportunity users send messages from different effects, in tom number and full-screen. But long away not everyone user smog this is to do, so as originated problem in work effects. Decision it was found.

how it turned out this is occurs for active parameter «Reducing movements«. It was activated w. many earlier, to system worked faster.

  • Run in «Settings«
  • Further «Maintenance» — «Universal access» — «Reducing movement«
Degreased movements on the iPhone

"Reducing movements" on the iPhone

  • Make switch inactive
Disable the reduction of movements on the iPhone

Disable "Reducing Movements" on the iPhone

Now Digital. Touch again should become animated. Yes and itself system little change. for example, stant active effects switch between screens, stant animated weather phenomena in «Weather« and so further.

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